Screenwriting : Bolding Your EXT, and INT. Headlines? by Glen Bradley

Glen Bradley

Bolding Your EXT, and INT. Headlines?

What are your thoughts on this. I'm currently using trelby and it automatically does it for me and Im not used to it really..... Am I missing something here, is it a new standard?

Is there any way I can turn this new setting off in this program?

Someone please help.

Chris Rakotomamonjy


Dan Guardino

Some do but I don't.

Maurice Vaughan

I'm with Dan Guardino.

I don't think it's a big deal whether you bold or don't bold scene headings. I haven't heard many producers, directors, etc. complain about it.

MB Stevens

It's subjective. Go with your gut Glen Bradley

Nick Waters

No need to bold headers

Bill Brock

My advice is to BE BOLD..... by deciding not to use bold scene headings. That is all.

Ashley Renee Smith

You definitely don't have to Bold your headers.

Glen Bradley

Thank you guys!! Also....what does everyone think of Trelby? I kind of find it easier than FD, though I have both. I feel Trelby is less laggy, and their updates are free.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Glen Bradley. I'm not sure if I've used Trelby. I use Final Draft 12 and WriterDuet as a backup.

Frank Van Der Meijden

Why is Trelby bolding the headlines anyway? Strange...

I had some problems with updating the software, so I'm not sure about Trelby.

There are a lot of discussions here about the best (and cheapest) screenwriting software, and I still don't have the solution....

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