Introduce Yourself : Nice to meet you! by Tiana Pongs

Tiana Pongs

Nice to meet you!

I'm a newbie here and enjoy the classes on Stage32 a lot. I'm primarily an actress and former international model. I relocated from Germany last year to Los Angeles. And got into producing my first short. Together with my colleague, we were able to convince Abigail Breslin to star in our short movie. Now I start working on my first feature film and looking for a writer to bring my vision. to bring to paper so to say. Looking forward to networking with other producers and other writers for future collaboration. It feels good to be here, and I hope to connect with a lot of you! Best, Tiana Pongs

Cannon Rosenau

Sehr gut, Tiana!!!! <---that's all that 3 years of German in an American public school gets you. Congratulations on securing Abigail B in your short. I look forward to seeing your future successes. Auf Wiedersehen!

Tiana Pongs

Thanks, Cannon! Nice to meet you! And your German is great!

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on producing your first short film and getting Abigail Breslin to star in it, Tiana Pongs!!! She's a great actress. In my opinion, her signature scene is when she screamed in "Little Miss Sunshine" (while her mom was on the phone).

You can post an ad in the Job Section for a screenwriter (

You can search for a screenwriter in the Browse Members Section ( Producers too.

Tiana Pongs

Thank you, Maurice! I'll start doing this.

GiGi Raines

Hi Tiana, welcome to Stage 32! Huge congratulations to you for casting Abigail Breslin, she's an incredible actress! Hope filming goes well, and fee free to reach out anytime if you need guidance with your feature at! Cheers

Maurice Vaughan

Ok, great, Tiana Pongs. You're welcome.

Marcel Flock

Hi Tiana, I am also from Germany but I still live and work here, is the work environment better in the states?

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