Your Stage : Youtube show by Chiedu Nwazo

Chiedu Nwazo

Youtube show

Hey everyone! please check out my Youtube channel named Critic Box. It's for anyone who enjoys watching movie review content and new movie trailer reactions. Please subscribe

Daniel Hellman

Chiedu, looks like a great channel! Really enjoyed your review of the SISU trailer. You bring up an interesting point about SISU - whether or not they should have filmed speaking Finnish or English. I was listening to a recent Bulletproof Screenwriting podcast with Stephen Follows of VOD Clickstream. His analysis of Netflix data shows that most viewers are going with what they are comfortable with which explains why blockbusters and known name talent still dominate streaming. That said, I often find myself a the end of the day when I am tired clicking onto a movie that looks really good only to go to something else once I see it is subtitled. I do enjoy some of the great subtitled foreign films. However, when I am tired at the end of the day, then I don’t want to read a film. I wonder if that is showing up in the Netflix data with other viewers. If so, then I think we can expect Netflix and other streaming services to look for more foreign films done in English for the North American market. Will be interesting to see if more foreign films go this route. Thanks for posting your video channel. And post more videos here when they come out.

Chiedu Nwazo

Hey Daniel, thanks! It just came out here in Canada a couple days ago so looking forward to watching it at some point. Ps- your screen play Iron & Holly sounds interesting. How far are you in the development stage?

Daniel Hellman

Chiedu, not too far in the development stage. I had someone here at Stage 32 do script coverage for it. That was well worth it.I just need to fix one character’s motivation for what they do and then tweak a few other parts. Then I’ll be ready to pitch it.

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