Introduce Yourself : Aspiring Writer by Marcus Morgan

Marcus Morgan

Aspiring Writer

Hello everyone my name is Marcus. I am an aspiring writer from the charm city. I am 23 years old and one day would like to write professionally. I love to write sports dramas mainly because of my love of all sports. I write with many different objectives. While I love to put my own spin on things, I also try to put a realistic touch on it. My desire to show reality came from watching one of the greats “The Wire”. Because of my knowledge of Baltimore watching the show was almost a reflection of the city. I know I am young and want to learn as much as possible. I was hesitant to write this post, but figured in this industry it’s best to connect with others. I look forward to learning from all. Thanks for reading.

Daniel Hellman

Marcus, focusing on sports can be quite marketable and commercially successful. Watch some of Jeff Deverett’s videos on YouTube. He talks about making movies based on a sport. He made a couple of gymnastics movies that made it to Netflix and did well. It’s much easier to market a sports film because you have a built in fan base. You picked a great niche to give yourself a good chance to make commercially successful films. Wishing you all the best!

Maurice Vaughan

Great to meet you, Marcus Morgan. What are your teams? Ravens, Orioles, and Terrapins since you're from Baltimore?

Marcus Morgan

Thanks and nice to meet you also. I’m a huge Orioles fan. In football I like the Carolina Panthers. Even through the recent seasons. In college I root for the smaller schools, but the terps are okay too.

Marcus Morgan

Hey a question as far as this current situation. During this strike am I able to get a script proofread or get coverage on a script? What about entering a competition? I’m not really sure on all the rules, this is new to me.

Maurice Vaughan

Cool, Marcus Morgan. I live in NC. The Panthers is my second NFL team. Bryce Young! The Eagles is my first team. Jalen Hurts! DeVonta Smith! Maybe you can tell, Alabama is my favorite college football team. :)

Here's Stage 32's statement on the strike (the statement talks about how Stage 32 is handling its services during the strike):

Marcus Morgan

Hey, thanks for the info. Your team has a bright future. Especially when their stars come from the SEC lol.

Destiny T Wilcox

You can still submit for script coverage, and even accept agent representation, but you should not be accepting any writing gigs until after the strike. Am I right, guys?

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Marcus Morgan. Thanks. The Eagles did great in the draft. So did the Panthers.

Maurice Vaughan

"You can still submit for script coverage, and even accept agent representation." That's right, Destiny T Wilcox.

You said, "but you should not be accepting any writing gigs until after the strike." In Stage 32's statement, it says, "What is a signatory company? A signatory company or “struck company” is a studio or production company that has signed an agreement with the WGA to hire only union writers and abide by its rules. So, any major studio, broadcast or cable network, streamer, and most production companies owned by a studio fall into this category. Companies that work with studios, networks, streamers, etc. are independent companies and not signatories."

WGA writers and non-WGA writers can't submit to writing gigs if the companies are signatory companies, but non-WGA writers can accept writing gigs if the companies are non-signatory. And non-WGA writers can pitch to non-signatory companies.

BUT I (and a lot of other non-WGA writers) am choosing not to accept writing gigs or pitch at all during the strike because non-WGA writers are standing in solidarity with WGA writers. By choosing to not accept writing gigs or pitch at all during the strike, it keeps the Hollywood pipeline dry (no new scripts means no new movies or shows being filmed and released).

Niki H

Hi Marcus, lovely to meet you! What's your favorite sport to write about? I'm a sucker for sports movies.

Marcus Morgan

Nice to meet you also.I would say either football or racing type movies. I specifically like creating characters who don’t fit the normal mold. I feel in reality what we imagine is what we get. I prefer to change the narrative and imagine something different. Almost a shock that this person is in this sport.

Olivia Drake

Hi Marcus! Welcome to the platform! If you want someone to read over your scripts rn I’m happy to do that!

Marcus Morgan

Alright that sounds good. I’ll definitely keep that in mind. Thanks.

Debbie Elicksen

Write what you know. Write what you're passionate about. Write what your brain won't put down. Finish and keep writing the next. (Says the woman who has yet to finish her third screenplay after doing two mini screenplays.) You are in the right place for motivation and a community of support. Go Marcus Morgan !

Linwood Bell

Some of my favorite musicians that I’ve had the honor to share the bandstand with have been from Baltimore. It can be a tough city, but seems to breed strength and creativity. So nice to meet you, Marcus.

Marcus Morgan

It’s nice to meet you also. It’s a tough place, but it’s what motivates me to work hard and never stop believing.

Linwood Bell

That’s the key. You never stop because you can’t stop. It’s what you do. :)

Sam Sokolow

Hi Marcus - it’s great to meet you here in the community! I’m the Director of Education here at Stage 32. I’m also a massive sports fan and live sports movies. If I can ever recommend any of our education for you or be of any help on your Stage 32 journey please reach out to me directly at Also, here is a link to the Stage 32 education landing page so you can check out all of the webinars, classes and labs that are your fingertips as a community member:

Marcus Morgan

Thanks so much for the welcoming introduction. It’s always great to meet another fan of sports. I will definitely use these resources. This community is so supportive and helpful.

Maurice Vaughan

What are your sports teams, Sam Sokolow?

Jasmine Acquaah

Dear Marcus, I am working on a Sports Drama. Very serious about getting the film produced or producing it on my own. If you want to collaborate and be apart of this project. Just let me know. FYI (beginning stages) Best, Jasmine Acquaah

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