Introduce Yourself : Coming Out Of My Cave by W. Mitchell

W. Mitchell

Coming Out Of My Cave

Hello everyone

For years, screenwriting has been a journey for me. It has traveled with me through my most triumphant moments and also through my lowest. I've hit rock bottom before; brutally, and yet kept on writing as if nothing happened.

But I kept asking myself, why can't I catch a break? Why is it so hard? Then someone whispers the dreaded word..."Network", and then the introverted beast within me hisses at them and hides under a rock somewhere...well, not really, but I've always opted to avoid it.

Well things happen. Life puts a beating on me. I overcome it and realize that if I want different things goal-wise, I must make some changes. First, maturity and improvement in my writing. Then next comes networking; assuming this digital ice-breaker is a great start.

So, hello all. I'm Wayne. Screenwriter and aspiring director currently from St Louis.

Any advice for a non California resident in getting out from underneath that old rock and networking for screenwriting opportunities and possibly directing opportunities.

Alister Brooks

Hey, W. Mitchell. I'm more or less in the same boat as you. Networking doesn't come naturally and takes a great deal of effort. Writing all day is easy. Networking for an hour or two is difficult. I would suggest contributing to a Lounge discussion or simply commenting on the feed for starters. Like writing, it takes practice. I'm like you in this regard; coming out of the cave is uncomfortable, but there are dividends (so I'm told, lol).

W. Mitchell

Well lounge discussion contributions sound more proactive towards my networking goals, than staring blankly at an unfinished script on my bad days. Looks like I'll start there. Thanks for the input Alister.

Emily J

Hi @Wayne! Glad to see you step out and taking advantage of your resources! I think the best advice is what you're already doing -- which is networking here on Stage 32! Building that community around you is incredibly important

W. Mitchell

I look forward to talking with as many people about their journeys and experiences and getting as much advice as possible. Thanks Emily for your input

Maurice Vaughan

You have a great attitude about the screenwriting journey, W. Mitchell. Networking. That's the key. Least one of them. :) Did you see this blog on networking:

W. Mitchell

I haven't yet Maurice. I'll check it out. Thank you

Linwood Bell

Glad you have that constant in your life and came out the other side ok. Life can get funky quick. Like the Iceman said..."only the strong survive".

GiGi Raines

You’re in the right place to ride the rollercoaster of this industry! A mentor once said to me… choose creativity and that will bring you joy. Your creativity you can never lose! Always grateful to pick up a pen…

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, W. Mitchell. Hope the blog's helpful.

Leonardo Ramirez

Like a famous boxer once said, “It's not about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.” Know that you are welcome here as you are and each day just take one step forward. We're glad you're here.

Michael Elliott

W. Mitchell...I'm right there with you. I've survived near-death events, combat, loss of close friends, loss of a child, cancer (2x), bankruptcy, busted marriages...catch a break?? I'm grateful I'm still alive and healthy enough to enjoy it and focused enough to share all of it through my writing. God is good.

W. Mitchell

Agreed Linwood

W. Mitchell

Everyday I'm grateful for the privilege of being able to create. Very much agreed GiGi.

W. Mitchell

Thanks Leonardo

W. Mitchell

That's a heck of a testament Michael. God is good all of the time

Leonardo Ramirez

You're welcome W. Mitchell Blessings on all that you do.

Ashley Renee Smith

Welcome to the Stage 32 community, W. Mitchell!

The best way to network here on Stage 32, is just to put yourself out there by posting, commenting, and connecting with people from all over the world on a regular basis. The most effective networking comes from building genuine relationships over time. A great way to start is by checking out the Screenwriting And Filmmaking Lounges where you can join discussions, pose questions that you may have, provide advice or insights, and share news/announcements that interest you.

You can find the lounges through the toolbar at the top of your browser window. Simply click on "Lounge", which will direct you to a new page listing all of the current lounges available to you. Then select "Screenwriting" or "Filmmaking/Directing". I hope to see you over there!

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