Introduce Yourself : Confirmation of talent by Gerard Thoolen

Gerard Thoolen

Confirmation of talent

The Dutch TV channel VARA, now bnnvara, offered me free courses screenwriting, because they said I have the talent. Encouraging!

Leonardo Ramirez

Gerard Thoolen Gerard, that's VERY encouraging. It's always good to soak up as much as you can when given the opportunity! We never stop learning!

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Gerard! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Maurice Vaughan

Nice to meet you, Gerard Thoolen. What's your favorite genre to write?

Gerard Thoolen

Hi Maurice,

Sorry I could not reply earlier.

Congratulations with all your achievements!

Now I´m writing a thriller. My favourite genre.

I just finished my script ´You win the lottery!´ (95 pages). It´s a mix of thriller and romance. I had consultancy about the earlier versions with a consultant, not one from stage 32. His final opinion: not a ´pass´, not a ´recommend´, but a ´consider´. He also made a suggestion how to improve one aspect.

The version of ´You win the lottery!´ that I just finished uses that suggestion, and should have more chance in the market.

Also a few years back I wrote a horror script, ´Scream in Sitges´ (90 pages). Although ´Scream in Sitges´ has some scenes that people found shocking, it needs a rewrite. I consider to use these most shocking scenes and write a short script.

If you like, we can keep in touch.


Gerard Thoolen


Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for the congrats, Gerard Thoolen. Congratulations on finishing "You win the lottery!" and the Consider! Yeah, feel free to keep in touch. Either on here or my email (

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