Screenwriting : How To Use An Inciting Incident For Maximum Effect In Your Screenplay! by Sydney Summers

Sydney Summers

How To Use An Inciting Incident For Maximum Effect In Your Screenplay!

Stage 32 can't wait to welcome Brian back for his upcoming webinar! In this exclusive Stage 32 webinar, you’ll not only explore the need and meaning of an inciting incident, but you’ll also learn how to craft a compelling inciting incident for your story that will set your script up for success.

Teaching you this key screenwriting fundamental is veteran film and television writer and producer Brian Herskowitz. Brian has worked on over 2 dozen films and television shows (HBO, FOX, CBS, NBC, UNIVERSAL and more) and he's bringing his experience across all the formats to the Stage 32 community! Also receive exclusive handouts to help you in creating your inciting incident.

Brian Herskowitz

Hello everybody.! I look forward to seeing you all for the Webinar. I am just curious if you have a moment in your own life that changed the direction you were headed in?

Maurice Vaughan

When I found part of the "Office Space" script online in high school, Brian Herskowitz. That's when I discovered screenwriting.

Ingrid Wren

Hi Brian! Some years ago, at a Company Directors lunch, a colleague told me about the fascinating family history he'd been researching. He thought there was a movie in it. When he learned I was a writer he asked me if I could write a screenplay. I said "yes" without a clue about how to do it. My learning curve was steep, but I loved the story, and the process so much, I gave up my governance work in favour of screenwriting. And I'm now telling the stories I've long wanted to tell with wonderful help from people like you! Cheers from the antipodes, Ingrid

Michael Elliott

I'm convinced that the inspiration for my script "Nobody's Heroes" occurred in late 1967 when I was belly down in a rice paddy and the platoon was taking fire from the North Vietnamese that were dug in behind the nearby tree line. I had just gotten a letter from my father, telling me that one of my best friends had fled to Canada to avoid the draft. And when we got the order to charge at the NVA, I wondered why in the hell I didn't do that myself.

Ty Strange

I've had a few inciting incidents in my life, Brian Herskowitz. If I were divide my life up into three segments – athlete, social animal and career – that day in 8th grade PE when we were required to run 1 1/2 miles for a grade and I placed first and broke the school record would be my athletic inciting incident, for I immediately switched from playing soccer, baseball and basketball to running track and cross-country, which netted me a college scholarship and later afforded me the opportunity to race around the country and throughout Europe.

Sydney Summers

Looking forward to this one! To learn more about the webinar feel free to email me at

Octavia Pugh

Hi Brian great webinar.

Brian Herskowitz

Thank you all for the inspirational Inciting Incidents and for those who came to the webinar,. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Brian Herskowitz

Hey everybody, just wanted to circle back and see if you had any questions, comments or concerns about the Inciting Incident webinar that I could assist with.

Sydney Summers

Thank you everyone for attending!

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for hosting this webinar, Brian Herskowitz. I wasn't able to attend live, but I plan to watch the webinar on demand. If I have any questions, I'll post them here.

Sam Iwata Aka Liu

Brian Herskowitz San, this is Sam from Far East Asia. Thank you for your webinar; it was very easy to follow and, most of all, it was very helpful. It was so helpful that I purchased 'The Art of Dialogue' on demand, which is also amazing. Otsukaresamadeshita, thank you.

Brian Herskowitz

Thank you, @Sam Iwata Aka Liu and @Maruice Vaughan.

Brian Herskowitz

Don't hesitate to give me a shout if you have any questions.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Brian Herskowitz. Ok, thanks!

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