My name is Steven. For more than 20 years, I've written comic books, children's books, novels, short stories, podcast scripts, and spec screenplays. I absolutely love horror and science fiction, but I'm more than willing to venture into any genre the story requires. I can even be funny from time to time. I've spent years on the outskirts of the film and television industries with several of my stories optioned only to die in development hell, but I wouldn't change those experiences for anything.
While I have an abundance of original ideas in the works, I would love to find an opportunity to find work developing and scripting ideas that aren't mine. I view writing as collaborative. Through my comics work, I've worked with artists on 3 continents.
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I would love to connect and learn more about your work!
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Welcome to the community, Steven Prouse. You worked on a SWAMP THING comic! I was a SWAMP THING fan growing up. I'm looking forward to the new movie.
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Maurice, I wish. Somehow, Amazon has me listed on that Swamp Thing book, and I can't get that one removed. I do have a bit of a connection through my other optioned pieces to an Executive Producer on that original Swamp Thing movie, but that's the closest I've gotten to Swamp Thing work... so far.
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Welcome to the community. Those comics look great. I am an animator and filmmaker and I actually have a comic coming out soon.
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I think I saw the original SWAMP THING movie, Steven Prouse. Hopefully you'll get hired for SWAMP THING work.
What kind of projects are you looking to collaborate on? Shorts? Features? Etc.
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Welcome Steven! nice to meet you. Glad you're here.
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Maurice Vaughan, I'm pressing on a sequel to my novel Handlebars by the end of this year. With that in mind, I would be open to general collabs on shorts unless there's a paying feature on the horizon. Thank you!
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You're welcome, Steven Prouse. I write a lot of short scripts. One reason is they're quick to write. Looking forward to collaborating on some shorts in the future if you're interested. I mainly write Horror, but I also write Sci-Fi, Thriller, etc., and I mix genres a lot (Ex: Horror Comedy).
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Welcome, Steven! Glad to have you as part of our community!
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Welcome to the Stage 32 community, Steven Prouse! I'm a huge comic-book fan! How did you get started as a comic-book writer?
The best way to network here on Stage 32, is just to put yourself out there by posting, commenting, and connecting with people from all over the world. The most effective networking comes from building genuine relationships over time. A great way to start is by checking out the Transmedia Lounge where you can join discussions, pose questions that you may have, provide advice or insights, and share news/announcements that interest you.
You can find the lounge through the toolbar at the top of your browser window. Simply click on "Lounge", which will direct you to a new page listing all of the current lounges available to you. Then select "OTT & Transmedia". I hope to see you over there!
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Thank you, Ashley! A writer friend and I tabled at comic book conventions together for a few years, but interest in our work was virtually non-existent. Most of the draw was, obviously, artists. So we pooled our resources, gathered a couple of other writers, and learned graphic layout and self-publishing.