Introduce Yourself : Now writing/marketing my own screenplays by Suzanne Jones

Suzanne Jones

Now writing/marketing my own screenplays

Hi Everyone --

I am the former owner of the Applause Screenwriting Competition. I created the contest, selected the judges (including lead judge Lew Hunter, UCLA screenwriting professor emeritus). I am now writing/marketing my own screenplays.

You can read more about my screenplay Christmas Under the Mistletoe here:

My screenplay Capital Women was selected for production in the A Place Called Sacramento Contest. I produced and directed it as a short film which was shown at in Sacramento's Crest Theater.

I hold an MBA from California Southern University, and a BA in English from Kalamazoo College (Michigan) with a writing and literature emphasis. I was a winner of the Mademoiselle Magazine Fiction Competition. My poetry was published in the Yearbook of Modern Poetry.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Suzanne Jones. Congratulations on "Capital Women" being selected for production!!! Is your film online?

Suzanne Jones

Hi Maurice, and thank you. It is not yet online but will be.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Suzanne Jones. Ok, looking forward to seeing it.

Ty Strange

Welcome to Stage32, Suzanne Jones. Always nice to meet a fellow creative living in Nor Cal. Your eclectic array of creative experiences are impressive. If you don't mind me asking, how do you go about marketing your own screenplays?

Suzanne Jones

Primarily through query emails to producers on ImDb.

Ty Strange

Thx, Suzanne Jones! Best of luck with your Christmas script.

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Suzanne! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Nick Waters

Welcome to Stage 32! Great to connect.

Tony Giannelli

Good luck Matthew!

Candina Ann

Welcome, Suzanne! Nice to meet you. Happy to see this community building with unique individuals, with valuable talents, skills, and interesting backgrounds. Nice to have you among the group!

Gloire Martins

Welcome! Great to have you here:) can't wait to see your works, this is so amazing.

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