Introduce Yourself : Hello! by Muhammad Fuzail

Muhammad Fuzail


Hi everyone! My name is Muhammad Fuzail. Been following Stage 32 on Instagram for a long while now and finally decided to join the platform. I reside in Karachi, Pakistan and would love to connect with creatives like yourselves. I may not have experience but it's high time I take a step towards my passion and learn as much as I can.

David Abrookin

Welcome, Muhammad Fuzail! Glad to have you here! Here's a helpful blog about navigating Stage 32:

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Muhammad Fuzail. Glad you finally decided to join. What genres do you write, direct, and act in?

Muhammad Fuzail

Maurice Vaughan I recently finished writing a horror/thriller short film. Currently I'm in the middle of re writing a feature length crime drama.

It's been a while since I've acted however I co-wrote a stage play back in 2018 which I acted as the antagonist. That was my first ever writing and acting experience. My colleagues and I managed to win two major competitions here in Karachi (Best Play 2018, Best Male Actor)

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on finishing your short film, Muhammad Fuzail!!! Congratulations to you and your colleagues on winning the competitions!!! Was it fun playing as the antagonist?

Muhammad Fuzail

Maurice Vaughan HELL YES! At first I wasn't sure how it was gonna go but I could feel the audience holding there breath during a couple of my monologues. From there it just felt so natural haha.

Sam Mannetti

Welcome to Stage 32 Muhammad! Great to have you here!

Muhammad Fuzail

Sam Mannetti Much appreciated sir!

Maurice Vaughan

Sounds exciting, Muhammad Fuzail. Is the play online?

Richard "RB" Botto

Joining us at a very exciting time, Muhammad Fuzail - Great to have you here.

Amanda Toney

So glad to have you here Muhammed! Glad to have your talents from Pakistan in the community! We are going to be doing a worldwide Stage 32 meetup day in July ahead of our introduce yourself weekend, maybe you can host one in Pakistan and connect with your fellow Stage 32ers in your area! If so, shoot a DM to Ashley, our community liaison:

Luís Mercês

Hey Muhammad! Welcome to the family, your energy is phenomenal! I'm starting my film creative path as well and I'm learning a lot! I'd love to connect with you

Muhammad Fuzail

Maurice Vaughan Sadly no sir. I lost the videos a while back and the management of the competitions never uploaded them online either.

Maurice Vaughan

No problem, Muhammad Fuzail. Looking forward to seeing your new work.

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