As a writer that is trying to get your scripts read for potential representation first simply be your own best agent, and be bold in sharing your work and ideas with others. Fearing exposure of your ideas and stories is counterproductive, and there's enough electronic paths of communication to establish exposure of a project with someone soliciting it, or with whom you’re following up with after a conversation. Our industry is a brain-trust, and there is definitely a collective consciousness that connects ideas and subjects between creatives, inspired independently, as we all search and conceptualize what is marketable for audiences. Just get professionals to know your work, what you create, and soon the opportunities will find their way to you. Pay for professional coverage so that you know your script(s) are in the best possible shape for reviewing. Do your research on The Blacklist, Inktip, Stage 32, Coverfly, and others as well as festivals for screenwriters to submit to as ways to get your work seen. When more people know your work and your talent, it’s easier for an agent to send you out on the rounds. When you can deliver your own deal to an agent you’re considering to represent you, you’ll have overcome the catch-22 as a new writer.
#writer #agent #representation #literary #manager #script
4 people like this
Great tips, Tammy Hunt!
4 people like this
Great advice, Tammy Hunt . Thanks so much!
4 people like this
tips taken in full, thanks
4 people like this
That‘s my #mondaymotivation - thanks Tammy Hunt!
2 people like this
thank you for giving this great advice.
1 person likes this
Excellent that's what I have now decided to do!
1 person likes this
Chatgpt is my agent lol