Acting : Self-Taped Auditions Are Expensive, Controversial, and They Aren’t Going Anywhere by Richard "RB" Botto

Richard "RB" Botto

Self-Taped Auditions Are Expensive, Controversial, and They Aren’t Going Anywhere

Much to digest here. Love to hear from actors and casting directors on some of the points/debates within.

Self-Taped Auditions Are Expensive, Controversial, and They Aren't Going Anywhere
Self-Taped Auditions Are Expensive, Controversial, and They Aren't Going Anywhere
SAG-AFTRA wants regulations, but everyone knows that in-person is now the exception and selfie auditions are the new normal.
Stephen Folker

Richard "RB" Botto - thanks for sharing this article.

As a parent of child commercial actor, every paid gig he's booked has been through a self tape. Living in Iowa, in a not-so-big filmmaking hub, this is crucial. I even booked a job this way too.

The article nails it with this comment "The real fix might lie in a hybrid model that leans on self-tapes for smaller roles but mandates in-person auditions for larger ones."

If you're auditioning for a big blockbuster Hollywood movie, in-person, sure. For smaller commercials like grocery store chains in the midwest, or state wide lottery commercials, submitted self tapes are the way to go. Too many people go broke trying to live in a big city or driving to countless auditions that could have been done online. My two cents :)

Ashley Renee Smith

Hi Stephen Folker, thank you for sharing your personal experience on the matter! The commuting that is involved for a lot of people who are trying to break into the industry, has definitely been made easier by self-tapes! I also agree with you that the hybrid model makes a lot of sense.

I've heard a lot of actors complain and struggle over the pressure to turn around tapes quicker than their schedules allow and to invest in software and equipment that they've never had on hand before. It's a tricky situation and I agree that a certain amount of regulation can make a real difference in making sure that the expectations don't continue to be abusive.

Stephen Folker

The commercials we've booked, the auditions have been recorded with a cell phone, no professional audio, etc. I think people lose out on an opportunity when they make the casting director wait several days for the perfect setup. Just go for it!

David Foy Bauer

I love self tapes, but the biggest issue seems to be the standard that some casting offices expect from actors. Having to have all the equipment and space to do all of that isn't realistic. Trying to do full body slates, no panning etc. is difficult for actors with smaller spaces. Especially while trying to maintain a professional blank slate background look.

Richard "RB" Botto

Great perspective, Stephen Folker. A fantastic "other side of the coin" argument.

Richard "RB" Botto

David Foy Bauer this is one of the big points of contention. I agree with your take.

Tasha Lewis


Started practicing today. I reviewed my bio and acted out each role that I already played in between working out.

Awaiting your responses

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