Screenwriting : Counting on a dream by Myka Gore

Myka Gore

Counting on a dream

They say that when bad and unfortunate events start occuring in your life, that means that we are closer to out goals. I put EVERYTHING into my pilot and my pitch! Lately I've been faced with work complications, loosing my dog, and my car being completely totalled! I have never felt so low all at once! I pitched to a producer not too long ago and am still waiting a responce. Maybe what's happening in my life right now is an indication of good news! Only God knows. Can anyone else relate to this?

Alana Gerdes

Hey there Myka. Sorry about everything that happened to you, especially for the dog! I noticed that everything comes in waves, the bad - and the good. Only thing to do is power through, focus on the positives (there are always some, even if they might not be obvious), and bear in mind that better days lie ahead of you!

Maurice Vaughan

My condolences for your dog, Myka Gore. Sorry those things happened.

I relate. Sometimes it feels like I'm in the movie "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day," then things turn around. I hope the same thing happens for you, and I hope you get a response from the producer soon.

Terri Morgan

Hi Myka Gore I could talk about some pretty awful things that have happened in my family and to me over the past year.

But what I think might be more helpful is my perception of that as being what I have to overcome, not what I should allow to stifle what I'm doing and trying to do. It's really, really hard to put all the "awful" to one side and focus on what I want to accomplish. But If I don't do that, if I can't find it in myself to do that, I will have allowed "complications" to derail what I'm trying to do.

Some years ago, I prepared and went to an international tournament in China. I got sick right after I arrived. My head was aching. I could barely stand up. After I checked in, I went to lie down on a bench to rest a little. My friend came to get me for my event. When I stepped out onto the floor, all the time I spent in practice took over. I not only completed the event, I won first place. Still have the trophy and certificate.

Success is never about getting knocked down. It's always about getting back up.

Right now, it may just be time for you to rest a little.

Leonardo Ramirez

Myka Gore Most definitely can relate. And yes, opposition to a goal does show its ugly head upon the threshold of a goal realized that will have a positive effect on others. I've always felt that the key is to not focus on the opposition or the obstacle but instead to focus on peace in the midst of it all the mayhem. Whether or not you hear back is not the solution - the solution is in the belief that it is possible for you to have peace inside of the eye of a storm. Don't let circumstances dictate your emotions (decisions). Hunger for peace instead and it will find you. That's a peace that passes understanding.

Myka Gore

I literally could cry at all these responses. They were so heartfelt, and I appreciate everyone elaborating on their own experiences, only to let me know that I am seen! I think the reason that I am so big on this is because my angel numbers I see daily! I feel that the universe is counting on me and I am counting on it.

Leonardo Ramirez

Myka Gore I think that where we as creatives err is that we place our accomplishments above the value of who we are. And yes, awful circumstances play into that narrative. However, YOU are more valuable and precious than your accomplishments and your circumstances. You were already a precious stone long before you accomplished anything.

Niki H

Leonardo, Thank you for saying that and I totally agree. We are not our circumstances and we are definitely not just a list of our accomplishments. Certainly not our list of failures.

Leonardo Ramirez

You're very kind and welcome, Niki H.

Craig D Griffiths

This is my motto “Why Not”.

I should start a Youtube channel , Why Not

I should get hospitalised and lose some lung function, why not.

A producer should but my stuff, why not.

Good and bad things happen. Because we exist in this reality. Why not you for these things. The only thing I know to be true. Is the more energy I put in, the more energy I get back.

Marcel Nault Jr.

Things happen for a reason. I'm more or less in the same boat as you right now, but those moments will help you be stronger and be more resilient in the end.

Myka Gore

Thank you to all! I really appreciate you for your thoughtful comments and stories that you did not have to share!!!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Myka Gore. Have a great weekend, and the community's here whenever you need it. :)

Sam Sokolow

Hi Myka - so sorry to hear about the passing of your dog (I know how difficult that is) and what feels like other headwinds in life. We all face difficult times . You are not alone at all. And you have the gift of being an artist which means everything is there for you to pull from for you work. I’ve always felt we wouldn’t have all the emotions and feelings we do if we weren’t supposed to experience them all. Be gentle with yourself. You have a supportive community here whenever you need it.

Joshua Mayer

Myka Gore, your post opened my heart this morning. Actually, I''m facing a similar set of circumstances. Eerily similar. Yes, such times portend great things coming swiftly.. Here for you! I had a very good friend recently post on IN that prior to having a huge career win, she went through an extended period of hardship and isolation. Reflecting, she feels that the hardship and isolation prepared her for how to receive and enjoy the win, which continues. I'll pray that this season for you does that for you. Got you.


Chad Ayinde

One million percent Myka Gore ...... I joined the Stage 32 network in the midst of recovering from an alcohol addiction while losing my wife of 13 years, dog of 12 years and my mother in the same year! Seemed time for a life pivot at my lowest and I stepped out for the bright lights of Hollywood.... Live in LA now and have for the last year and change. Some days are better than others but as long as you keep showing up, something truly incredible is bound to happen!

I'm now fucntioning as an assistant director, just had one of my projects win a couple awards in the New York International Film Festival and gearing up to fly to Austin Texas in October to film another installment of my project. Stay the course! You're going to crush it!!!!

Maurice Vaughan

My condolences, Chad.

Dan Guardino

I never counted on a dream.

Myka Gore

Wow these recent comments are super deep, and I feel blessed to have you all literally take the time out of your lives to encourage me like this! A community like this truly gives me hope in the world and warms my heart! Artists are the best types of people around. @ChadAyinde, my condolences to you, I prey I don’t loose my mother soon, hearing your situation is devastating and makes me look at my situation and always know there is someone else out there going through worst, and congratulations to all the success in your career Chad. Once again my condolences 1000 times more for your losses! Thank you all to the moon then to the heavens!

Denise Jackrel

Oh No! You have my deep compassion and condolences, I get it all. Yes I can relate and unfortunately there are times when I say "Uncle, enough already". Don't give it meaning and be patient with your pitching. Breathe, exhale.... Is there anybody you can talk to about work? I have been told that it's acceptable to follow up after a week so. Anybody feel free to chime in on this. Maybe post your work situation a separate chat. I don't even know what lounge this is :-)

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