Hello, Do you write short films? What’s about it? I just finished my short film a few days ago. It’s based on my poem, Slave To Clout, The short film follows a college student named Belle who becomes obsessed with chasing clout on social media. She lies to her fans for money, hire followers, cheat likes, and even fabricates family sickness to gain sympathy and financial support. However, after meeting a famous Instagram model, and realizing the took that clout-chasinf is taking on her mental health and relationships, shs decided to make a change. Belle deletes her social media acconnts, focus on studying, and works on being true to herself. She ends up graduating from college, giving a speech to her follow peers about her journey to overcome her addiction over clout.
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Hey, Bintou Kaba. I write short scripts. They're about different things. Your short script sounds great! It also sounds like it'd be really helpful for people nowadays, especially younger people!
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Of course, and the thing that I just turned 19 last week, so like I would say it’s totally realistic and relatable to me :)
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That's awesome Bintou. I find it amazing you've found a way to give your poem life by transforming it into a short film. I just concluded a short film script about a young man who left home to pursue his music career. On the night of he receives his award, he has a premonition his father had passed. He ends up returning home to lead his father's company.
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Cool, Bintou Kaba. Did you finish the first draft or final draft?
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I know you're speaking from experience, Dan Guardino, but there's money in writing short scripts. Not much, but there's money in it (I've seen producers, directors, etc. offering to buy short scripts for $200-$500). And short scripts can help a screenwriter's career a lot because a writer can use them as writing samples to get jobs. And sometimes producers, directors, etc. will request to read a writer's features or pilots after reading their shorts.
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I am done with the first draft. I already have thoughts on what I am going to change for the second draft :)
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Great, Bintou. Have fun with the rewrite. Let us know how it goes.