Screenwriting : PAGE Comp - "The Flip and the Dead" made QF by GJ Harvey

GJ Harvey

PAGE Comp - "The Flip and the Dead" made QF

Having entered comps here on Stage32, scored a Double Recommend on coverage and four read requests, I also tried PAGE and was pleased to hear "The Flip and the Dead" make QF. Anyone else had any luck or experience with PAGE?

GJ Harvey

LOGLINE: When a fixer-upper TV couple renovate an abandoned mansion on a remote island, a demon presence takes their son forcing them to repurpose all their make-over skills in a fight to get him back.

Lynda Mason

Congratulations! I entered a couple screenplays in the thriller/horror genre, but didn't make QF. I would love to read your screenplay if possible.

GJ Harvey

Lynda Mason Sure, send me a DM.

Maurice Vaughan

Wow, GJ Harvey! Congratulations on the Double Recommend, script requests, and being a PAGE quarterfinalist!!!

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