Screenwriting : Hello stage 32ers! Any screenwriters looking for a project to do (write) on the side? by Ethan Bach

Ethan Bach

Hello stage 32ers! Any screenwriters looking for a project to do (write) on the side?

Right to the chase! I'm looking for a screenwriter. I wrote a hard-to-believe memoir, and I need help turning it into a Screenplay. I don't want to offend anyone by not taking your time into consideration, so hopefully we could work payment out, but just know I'm disabled and am on disability so I'm no Mr. Money're obviously going to be the first name written in the credits under screenplay though. it's just based on the book.

On that note, does anyone know of anywhere you can submit/pitch original books to be made into movies? that would be wonderful!

To say this story is important to me is an understatement because It's my story.

.I've been told by a reader most of my life (32 years old) reminds them of the book A million little pieces. I say it's that, but 110% TRUE +10 helpings of literal craziness, + The Truman Show. there are sprinkles of romance and actually a lot of humor I'm told for such a dark story (addiction, brain tumor, psychosis 5 times, 7 mental institutions, suicide, etc)...

Maybe we could zoom each other a few times a week where we each have my book opened in a document to highlight certain sections and discuss for you to then write. I can even tell you what to write, I just don't know how to format everything and follow best practices.

Again, I don't want to offend anyone, I'm sorry if this type of post is not allowed as I'm new here!

Kiril Maksimoski

Try jobs sections. Anyways, best way not to offend anyone is to pay them for the effort. I'm freelance writer, been done adaptations before. Low rate (as I can afford it) but written contract and an advance is a must. DM me mail I can send some of my samples over...and I'll need to read the book...not catching my interest, hardly likely I'll hook up to the assignment.

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