Introduce Yourself : Alert! New individual on Stage 32. Hello everyone :) by Merna Samir Alayoub

Merna Samir Alayoub

Alert! New individual on Stage 32. Hello everyone :)

Pleasure to meet all of you on Stage 32. Im new here. I am a writer, poet, songwriter, and creatively involved in this unique process. I am originally from Jordan, lived in several different places, and currently living in Hungary. Im looking forward to engage in conversations and connect with everyone here.

Leonardo Ramirez

Welcome Merna Samir Alayoub - so glad you're with us! Here's a blog post that will help you navigate Stage 32: What genre(s) do you write?

Kevin Enners

Merna Samir Alayoub - pleasure to meet you.

Merna Samir Alayoub

Hi there Leonardo Ramirez - I'm glad to be here. Thank you so much for the link, its very helpful. I am highly interested in Psychological fiction and looking forward to one of my upcoming drafts (need time though), I just began the process. I write poetry as well.

Leonardo Ramirez

Merna Samir Alayoub Psych fiction - very cool! Looking forward to that as well! And you are absolutely right in taking your time. That's one of the things I had to learn when I switched from writing books to screenwriting is to be patient with myself. It's a journey we must remember to enjoy.

Whitney Moore

Hi! Welcome to our corner of the internet.

Merna Samir Alayoub

Leonardo Ramirez thank you so much. I usually post specific sections online, at least of poetry. Im trying to keep the details of my novels secret until publishing. Publishing alone needs loads of patience. Life and every section needs patience, so imagine a novel or screenwriting. You are completely correct about patience. I agree

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Merna Samir Alayoub. Love the artwork profile picture.

Merna Samir Alayoub

Hello, Maurice Vaughan, thank you for your kindness. It represents a psychological situation "trauma". Honestly, it was done by AI art generator.

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Merna! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Linwood Bell

Nice to meet you Merna Samir Alayoub! Welcome to the group. When you can join us over in the composers lounge!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Merna Samir Alayoub. Do you write about the psychological situation "trauma" in one of your stories?

Dustin Richardson

Nice to meet you, Merna Samir Alayoub! Poetry is awesome.

Richard "RB" Botto

Fantastic to have you and your talents here, Merna Samir Alayoub

Merna Samir Alayoub

Maurice Vaughan, I definitely will write about struggles of a character i have in mind. Well, I definitely need a start to write this psychological story. Positivity is key to fulfillment.

Dalene Stuteville

Welcome! You have a lot of experience to draw from!

Jennifer Mira Jimmy

Incredible to have you here, Merna! Goodluck.

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