Filmmaking / Directing : Is Your Pitch Clear? by Tammy Hunt

Tammy Hunt

Is Your Pitch Clear?

When pitching, it’s very important you hold your listener’s attention and keep them understanding what you are explaining throughout the entire pitch. Ask yourself, will they be able to go tell this to someone else? If the answer is no, you need to practice your pitch more.

Here are the basic elements you want to make sure to cover:

What – What is this project – a feature film, a television series, and in what genre – and to get more specific - is it a limited series, a 30-minute single-cam sitcom, an hour-long drama?

Who – Who is your main character and what do they want? What or who is keeping them from getting it and what are the stakes?

Where – What is the setting of your project? What does the world look like?

When – When does this take place? Present-day, or is it in the future, or historical?

Why – Why does this story matter now? Why does this need to be made and put out into the world? What makes it important?

The initial setup should grab your listener right from the start and keep them engaged as your pitch goes on.

#pitch #creative #film #TV #media #network #platform #development

Leonardo Ramirez

These are awesome tips! The one I see me inadvertently leaving out is actually the first one. I always tend to want to go straight to story. I should definitely copy this list and keep it under my pillow next to my secret stash of pie. Great list!

Maurice Vaughan

That's a great pitching guide, Tammy Hunt! Sometimes when I pitch live, I ramble and repeat things. This guide will help. Thanks.

Sam Sokolow

Pitching is an art that's so close to my heart. To anyone looking to really master this craft and get ready for any opportunity I highly recommend Robin Galloway's upcoming lab on creatine multiple pitches for your project - 5, 10 and 20 minute versions. Robin is a top literary manager and coaches her successful clients on this craft. Here's a link so you can check it out:

Ty Strange

Great primer, Tammy! Thx for putting this out there.

Amanda Toney

This is awesome Tammy, thank you! And, don't forget your connection to the material, why are you uniquely positioned to tell this story?

Richard "RB" Botto

This is spectacular Tammy Hunt. Thanks for sharing.

Ashley Renee Smith

Great share, as always Tammy Hunt! The "Why" is especially important right now.

Dustin Quinteros

Depends on who's reading on it. I'm always shocked when I get contrary feedback, but there's always something that can be tighter.

David Abrookin

Great share, Tammy Hunt! Very important pitching fundamentals

James Kicklighter

It’s also really important when putting together a pitch deck or sizzle reel — is there a clear through line for the executive on the other side to see? You’re more likely to book the meeting if you have that together.

Pamela Jaye Smith

Real good advice, Tammy. One thing they always told people pitching at the Great American PitchFest was that whoever you sat across the table from would have to take your info and pitch it to their people the next like you note, make it easy for them to do it. Thanks for getting more info out about this really important part of "the biz".

Sherri ZImmerman

GREAT! Thanks for these awesome tips Tammy!

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