Introduce Yourself : Stupid Questions by Geoff Hall

Geoff Hall

Stupid Questions

Dear Community,

I wanted to let you know that when it comes to reaching out and posting something on this site, THERE ARE NO STUPID QUESTIONS.

We are all on different pages on our career and some questions may seem to be very fundamental, but the questions we see on this site are simply people trying to understand more about the industry. Don't use dismissive or insulting language in your responses. Don't demean people. Nobody learns from that.

Stage32 aims to be, at every turn, an encouraging and educational space, where every question matters.

We have Moderators at work in this community who aim to weed out those kind of comments, but we can't be everywhere all at once. So please bear with us and if you're having a problem with someone, there's an email to help you with it.

Maurice Vaughan

Great post and reminder, Geoff Hall. You're right. No stupid questions. I'm a fellow Lounge Moderator, so feel free to message me if you have any questions, everyone. If I don't know the answers, I'll direct you to Stage 32's Team or Technical Support.

Howard Buddy William Lewis III

Is there a "How To" video for Stage 32, sir? Just a basic field guide. I read my first string on whether or not to post full scripts and it mentioned posting to my "Stage." Can't find that anywhere, sir.

Maurice Vaughan

There isn't a "How To" video for Stage 32, Howard Buddy William Lewis III, but this blog will help you navigate the platform:

Howard Buddy William Lewis III

Thank you, sir!!!!!!!!!!!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Howard Buddy William Lewis III. Cool picture. Is he a character in one of your scripts?

Howard Buddy William Lewis III

Thank you, sir. It is not from one of my scripts. I worked in animation for a number of years and fellow artists will sketch each other. My friend Tim Hodge did this version of me as Frankenstein and I really liked it, so I use it as a profile pic instead of my less interesting glamour shots.

Geoff Hall

Howard Buddy William Lewis III cool profile pic, Howard. I think I’d have to be a Bela Lugosiesque Vampire!

Geoff Hall

Hi, I’ve moved this post from Screenwriting to the Introduce Yourself Lounge. It will be good for people to see it on their first time on the site.

Richard "RB" Botto

Absolutely love this post, Geoff Hall. Doesn't matter whether you're new to the game or someone with massive accomplishments, the educational journey never ends. But we can't learn if we don't ask. This is a safe space for all.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Howard Buddy William Lewis III. Cool. Frankenstein was my favorite classic monster growing up. I remember reading Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" in school.

Maurice Vaughan

Great idea, Geoff Hall!

Lori Lee Peters

Thank you Geoff, you made my day!! There is so much to learn including a whole new language. I've started Skype pitches and submissions. A review from one executive used the words "not enough big set pieces." I googled immediately:) On the flip side he also wrote " interesting and marketable story"

Geoff Hall

Lori Lee Peters hi Lori, the thing is, we are all learning and continue to learn as we go. I’m embarking on an animated series project and there’s a lot to learn!

This site is a friendly place for you to learn, so don’t be afraid to ask.

Elena Maro

One of the reasons why I love this industry is that no matter your experience, there is always something new to be learned both on a personal and professional level, so thank you so much for sharing this, Geoff Hall !

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