Introduce Yourself : 3rd intro - Polydina Flynt by PolyD Flynt

PolyD Flynt

3rd intro - Polydina Flynt

26 all-time favourite movies: Henry Fool by Hal Hartley, Labyrinth, Oldboy (2003), Scarfies, Idioterne, It’s Such A Beautiful Day, A History of Violence, Upstream Color… …Empire Strikes Back Uncut by Casey Pugh, Night of the demons 2, The Langoliers, Monster in a Box. eXistenZ, Umbilical World and Cream by David Firth, Sunshine (1999), True Romance and Love and a .45, Tombstone/Unforgiven, Demonlover (2002), A Scanner Darkly, Shut Up Little Man, Swiss Army Man, From Bedrooms to Billions, Audition by Miike, GameLoading: Rise of the Indies, Raiders!: The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made, Galaxy Quest.

I've been writing fiction since 1995, writing game design docs since 1993, writing as a freelance game writer since 2004 and writing tv since 2002, and writing comics since 2013. Also writing theatre since 2012. Born in England in the early '80s. Grew up all over New Zealand. One day I'd like to do Asia, Mexico and revisit Surrey, Oxford, the Italian Alps and try out Dwarka, India. But I'll probably settle here, buy a small piece of land and build a small 3bdrm 2bath big tiny home on it. check out my stuff via

Maurice Vaughan

How's it going, PolyD Flynt? I just found out "Oldboy" is part of a trilogy.

Emily J

Hi PolyD Flynt! WOW you've got a wealth of experience. What's your favorite format to write?

PolyD Flynt

Maurice Vaughan Yeah I have the trilogy in the 10 titles noregion bluray set. haven't watched the other films in the trilogy yet, still working my way through the handmaiden and decision to leave!

PolyD Flynt

Emily: probably theatre, animation and digital environments + video games

John Gostomski

Good portion of your list are good watch/study

Maurice Vaughan

There are ten movies in the noregion bluray set, PolyD Flynt?

John Gostomski

What are you trying to draw from each, try "Barry"!

PolyD Flynt

@maurice_vaughan yeah it's awesome from older to the vengeance trilogy to his most recent

PolyD Flynt

Maurice Vaughan it's going okay, getting lots of writing done, finished a few things, my websites are looking awesome, mental stuff has been ups and downs. I'm focusing on 2 Plays, 2 series and short fiction, 3 comic writing projects and a zine, I'm helping some indies with a video game as a level designer/writing support/design support, almost got a webdev gig from them for like NZ$300 which would have been nice but their flakey free webdev popped back up, so I stepped aside, we hadn't confirmed a deal yet. I'm also doing fiverr freelancing: story coach, wordpress webdev and custom cartoon art. And I've started a YouTube blog which you can find via my website and next year I'm writing an RPG rulebook aiming for DriveThruRPG.

PolyD Flynt

I'm also developing my own video games, I have one fmv game script done and one in the works.

PolyD Flynt

Jon: Barry looks interesting!

Maurice Vaughan

That's pretty cool, PolyD Flynt. I gotta check out the bluray set.

PolyD Flynt


PolyD Flynt

packaging is basic, but it's all there.

PolyD Flynt

NZ$113 ish incl. shipping

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on the progress and freelancing jobs, PolyD Flynt! Sorry to hear about the mental stuff. Hope that gets better for you soon. What's fmv?

PolyD Flynt

best way to explain it is to link you. 1992 I think the 3do and other consoles came out (they failed like vr the first time because the console was like $800 which is $1400 in today's money and parents wouldn't pay that) they dealt almost exclusively in fmv games but there were no 3do exclusives and lots of hits and misses, so it was doomed to fail. now a collector's item and fmv games are coming back gradually - similar to vr but more indie -

PolyD Flynt

they're interactive movies (full motion video) but not the choose your own adventure like bandersnacth like real video games that are cinematic-based

PolyD Flynt

definitely check out Dragon's lair on steam and wing commander IV on gog

PolyD Flynt

they were on 3do but now available on pc etc.

so you don't need a collector's item console to play them

PolyD Flynt

Ziggurat now owns the entire 3do catalogue

PolyD Flynt

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, PolyD Flynt. Sounds really interesting. I might write a fmv game script.

Niki H

What a great list PolyD! I particularly love Sunshine, A Scanner Darkly, and Tombstone. It's lovely to meet you.

PolyD Flynt

that's a cool range of highlights, so raiph fiennes, linklater and val kilmer?

PolyD Flynt

yeah a scanner darkly is my fave linklater, just beating out subUrbia, tape, dazed and confused and before sunrise

PolyD Flynt

I just love the naked lunch-esque stream of consciousness hallucinogenics storytelling applied to unique animation style

PolyD Flynt

for me waking life was the experiment and it took a philip k dick story to bring out the best approach for the technique

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