Screenwriting : Webinar Coming Soon! Masters of Craft: The Oscar Winning Writer of The King’s Speech Teaches the Art and Business of Screenwriting by Sydney Summers

Sydney Summers

Webinar Coming Soon! Masters of Craft: The Oscar Winning Writer of The King’s Speech Teaches the Art and Business of Screenwriting

Learn the craft and business of screenwriting from David Seidler, the Academy Award winning screenwriter of THE KING'S SPEECH starring Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush. In this exclusive Stage 32 webinar, Academy Award winning screenwriter David Seidler will take you through the fundamentals of screenwriting to elevate your work as well as the best ways to plan your lifelong screenwriting career. David will walk you through specific choices he made in his Oscar winning screenplay for THE KING’S SPEECH, including story and scene structure, character development and arcs, dialogue choices, and more. You will learn how David approached his writing process for THE KING’S SPEECH and how the artistic and professional choices he made led to him winning the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay.

PLUS! David will provide you with an exclusive copy of the award winning screenplay for THE KING’S SPEECH that you can use to help hone your screenwriting and storytelling craft.

Nick Waters

David is fantastic and obviously incredibly talented. This is going to be hugely beneficial to people across the industry.

Sydney Summers

Couldn't agree more Nick!

David Seidler

Welcome Fellow Story Tellers, brave through to embark upon the world's second oldest profession. It can be a complex, arduous, frustrating, yet rewarding journey. Hold my hand and I'll walk you thru it.

Sam Sokolow

So excited for this webinar - what a rare experience to get to learn from a writer with David Seidler's talent and experience!

Sydney Summers

Live tomorrow :)

Catherine Cole

I'm taking on the F.U. term from David!

Catherine Cole

F.U. money that is... Financial wherewith all is absolutely key!

Samuel Morney

The fact that the guy who wrote that masterpiece made chump change is a crime.

Tom Lough

Is this where we interact with "like-minded" others?

Tom Lough

Is anyone else here?

Tom Lough

If anyone ever revisits this chat thread, I'd like to comment for them on David's "one last thing" at the end of his webinar: his expression of concern about artificial intelligence. This is a huge issue and we need to confront it head on. But first, we need to learn more about it. I have attempted to help with that by providing a series of books to demonstrate various aspects of AI output and its levels of sophistication. Just go to Amazon, select the book category, and type in my name in the search box. In each AI book, I challenge the readers to confront AI and decide how they will respond to it, once they become aware of what it can do. Thank you.

Tim Williams

Where is the link to access TKS script?

Tom Lough

Ah,, good question. That was part of the deal as well. Thanks for the query.

Brett Howlett

Yes Samuel, I was shocked by his statement. And the fact that he had to fight to get it (a film about two dead kings and stuttering) considered just makes it worse.

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