Another 6 pages written in my long-delayed feature screenplay today, bringing my total to 60 pages. My goal is to complete the whole thing in the next 3 weeks (I'm using up some extra vacation leave to write, 2 days per week for 3 weeks). Then I hope to begin adapting it into a novella, because while the story is stand-alone, it also serves as the "origin story" to my book series. I think they call that a "twofer"
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Congratulations on getting to 60 pages, @Joseph Rhea! Cheering for you to reach your goal!
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Good luck keeping it going.
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Oh wow, that's awesome! Keep up the great work!
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You can do it and nothing beats the feeling when you type the last word.
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Thanks for the positive feedback, Maurice, Bill, Marcel, and Asmaa. This place rocks!
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You're welcome, Joseph Rhea. Keep us posted.
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Joseph Rhea well done on your progress with the script. Let us know when you type that last word and I for one will raise a glass to you.
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Well done you!!!
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Thank you Geoff and Pamela for the kind words.
I wrote another 9 pages yesterday and I realized that I had forgotten just how much brain power I use up while writing original scenes, because I was spent afterwards (even though I had to then drive 2 hours to my son's soccer game.) Today is a career-job work day so I take up the script again tomorrow. Cheers and let's all keep creating!