Happy Tuesday Folks!
I wanted to tell you about my Tuesdays. In this movie business that we love, there is no guarantee you will work 12 months a year. It used to be an obvious time of hiatus if you worked in TV, usually the spring into early summer. When streaming services started making their own shows, the season were anytime and often shorter. No matter what, at some point in the year, you might find yourself unemployed. And sometimes, you might worry or wonder when you'll work again.
In 2005, a friend of mine called and invited me to coffee with another friend - his idea was, it was better to get together with friends at least once a week instead of sitting at home thinking only you are unemployed. This meeting of 3 continued to present day and there is a meeting at a coffee shop in North Hollywood every Tuesday at 11:30A for as long as people want to hang out. Every Tuesday We can always find someone there to meet with - these days it's gotten up to 35-40 of us! But it ebbs and flows when work is happening. During our Covid shutdown, a group of us created a zoom version and had up to 800 people one time, the average was 300-400. It was this one day that people didn't have to feel so alone. We'd find guests, have discussions, I was in charge of "Happy Hour" after 5P! The Zoom version did turn into a DGA event because the DGA saw what we were doing and were happy to get on board with this outreach.
When the original started, my friend (Kevin), his wife asked "Why would you go and share job leads with these people?". Kevin said to her that if that job lead could get someone else a job, if it's not one that he could get, then that's the way it should be...and also, I don't feel as alone. He was right. He's no longer with us but I sure hope he knows what he created.
All that being said, if you find yourself alone, you can always reach out here but if you're in a town that has multiple film makers, consider getting together now and then. It lifts my spirits and we talk about shows, the business or anything that one of us would like to chat about. Like here on Stage 32, it's a community of supportive people.
With all that being said, guess where I'm going now? Yep, to Tuesday's 11:30A meet up for a cup of coffee, maybe a piece of pie and some great conversation. Take care! Xochi
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Happy Tuesday, Xochi Blymyer. That's a great idea. A creative support group? :)
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Great idea, Xochi Blymyer. I have a Wednesday coffee get together tomorrow morning with a fellow creative. Might be the start of the Wednesday club!
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Yes Ty!!
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Thanks all. Yes Creative groups are awesome. And in person if you have local people, give it a try!! Have a great night.
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love this idea! are you guys still meeting up? I'm new to the city and to the industry, would love to meet likeminded creatives and chat about all the stuff we're passionate about!
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You're welcome, Xochi Blymyer.
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Max, my group is primarily Assistant Directors but if you're in the area, message me. Tuesdays!
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Thank you for sharing and a beautiful story.
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Asmaa you are very welcome. It’s truly been a blessing for many people over the years.
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Awesome to see you have created the group with Kevin. I would love to meet you one day. If by any chance you want to meet tomorrow (Thursday) there is meet and great from 6-9 on 3rd street. Let me know if you can make it. Best, k.
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Kacper! Thank you for the invite although I’m unavailable tomorrow. Perhaps you could come to a Tuesday.
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Xochi Blymyer it sounds like my kinda group. I wish I lived closer, but it’s a tad difficult to travel to you!
Maybe once I get a Bristol Meet-up going, it’d be a runner?
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Geoff...what's that line from Field of Dreams? If you build it, they will come? :)
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That's awesome Xochi Blymyer !
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This is a great initiative. Like minded creative people getting together. Although not the same, I've recently joined a group of film makers who regularly meet at the National Theatre on the south bank in London. Their 1 month challenge for September is Halloween. Make a short in 1 month ready for screening in October. I've been involved with the script and we shoot next week. So excited to be part of a collective of like minded individuals. 5 shorts will be made out of the 8 people who pitched. So if you're London based on in the surrounding area, consider joining us. Happy to DM details.
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Greg, that's sounds like such fun! We just have coffee, you all are really stepping it up! Let us know how it goes! I'm in North Hollywood but if I get to London for sure I'll be looking you up to join for a get together.
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So great, Xochi Blymyer! Love the intention behind this
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So cool that you're taking the Stage 32 community to the in-person level - only great tings cab come of this, Xochi Blymyer! I can't wait to hear how it goes and what ideas and projects are born from it.
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I love hearing this! In any industry that can be so competitive, it's refreshing to hear that we're all in it together, because it does require so much collaboration and support.
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Yes, all true. I remember my mom was part of a business/ideas group (can’t remember the name) because we had an inn in New Hampshire. Someone didn’t want to tell the group his idea. The leader of the group said the majority of the time, that idea was not going to be done by someone else! So why not share and collaborate and put that positive energy out there.