Introduce Yourself : My question of the day. Should I, could I, would I produce the action for my script using an AI image generator? by Blair J Hebert

Blair J Hebert

My question of the day. Should I, could I, would I produce the action for my script using an AI image generator?

Hi, my name is Blair Hebert. I am a long-time film industry technician living in Vancouver BC. I am currently pitching the screenplay adaptation of my Tri-Media production RADIO GIRL on Stage 32. I have had three script requests out of eight pitches. I have submitted 3 verbal and 5 written pitches to date and received excellent feedback and consistently high scorecards. I am now more than ever, confident that the story has merit.

I welcome anyone who wishes to network with me to send a request. I am not great at reaching out but I am excellent at responding, connecting and supporting other people's' work. I am open to collaboration or any and all questions posed on the forum of Stage 32.

My question of the day.

Should I abandon pursuing a deal with a studio and just produce an AI version of my story with an AI expert co-producer?

I am currently exploring the idea of developing the screenplay into a made for streaming animation series using an AI image and speech generating platform. I have hours of dialogue and set direction entwining the world of the story and have developed it into three different mediums. A screenplay, a stage play and a podcast. A tri-media production. Instead of pitching producers to pick it up as a screenplay to hopefully develop one day, I am leaning toward developing the production myself. I am currently shopping for an AI co-producer to produce an AI generated version for streaming platforms. After seeing the success of the live action series One Piece developed from an animation series. I consider that perhaps it is the best way for me to become the director of my own IP and the most cost-effective way to develop the visual of the story. At a core level it is an excellent way to develop a pilot and a demo reel to use in a pitch deck for a later live action film deal. No picket lines are crossed, no live actors get manipulated in the process of making the animation. Since I am the writer and own 100% of the IP, No other writers get divested of potential work.

I am presenting this as an open topic to see if anyone has opinion on the matter or if it presents hidden challenges anyone would like to elaborate on. Thank you for reading this post. Have a great weekend on Stage 32.

Geoff Hall

Blair J Hebert Hi Blair, welcome to Stage32's IYW! My first answer to your question would be, in the form of another question "why with the Studios? Why not an Indie Producer?"

Emily J

Hi Blair J Hebert! Thanks for sharing! My general opinion on any new advancements is that just because we can doesn't mean we should and people don't ask "why" or if they "should" enough. THAT SAID, you have clearly thought this through and I appreciate how you are looking to take charge of your career while also being incredibly respectful of artists. You own your story but it would still be worth looking into the recent court judgments that state A.I. work cannot be copyrighted. It's complicated and I don't enough to be able to speak on it (which I think is probably also true for more people than would like to admit lol), but that would be the one area I would say to keep an eye on with this. PLEASE keep us posted on your journey!

Gift Rogers

Hello Blair. I'm Gift. Love your spirit. I'm a director and open for collaboration. Can we work

Mehul Desai

AI art is the perfect tool for pitching and internal communication, I'd recommend trying Runway ML (animating stills) but as Emily stated you can't own the copyright with AI images... but if you own the story no one can copy that... man, we've got some interesting/complicated times ahead

Dale Reynolds

Answer from me to that question is: BLOODY NO.

Blair J Hebert

Well said Mehul and Emily and thank you Dale (I appreciate your concerns and caution) Gift, thank you for using the word love in your reply. Gift, If you scroll through my profile you will see an Image I found from a local artist to portray my lead character. I believe you will be amazed. Mehul, I agree with your response and this has been my conclusion to date and the reason I posed the question. Recently, a local executive producer was showing me his pitch deck for raising money and to sell me on the idea of working together. The pitch was using AI generated 3D images and background and it moved seamless and fluidly . The pitch was strong. Presented from his laptop in Powerpoint, It conveyed the story quickly and easily. It was about two brothers who started tango dancing in Argentina and It was so captivating watching the images dance, I had difficulty not seeing it as the final work of art. But it wasn't, it was a demo reel and I can tell you the real actors will be challenged to look as good as the projected AI images. Like Emily, I am cautious about the copyright issues using AI, but like you, I feel there is no stopping this train, Its rolling. To get onboard or not is another question. In agreement with Dale, I prefer live actors, having been one myself, and my world of story needs a human sense of humor only a good actor with timing can provide. I will create a demo reel with no intention of releasing it as a final. But who knows how far AI will be in a few years when the project is complete and ready to stream. Perhaps we already live in an AI simulation and are just now catching up. All Aboard! Haha.

Blair J Hebert

Geoff, I am in contact with Indie producers. It is always a case of raising money and who has the deepest pocket. My pockets are tapped out on this project having already spent thousands in recording and writing time. An indie producer with financing is my best option for sure.

Niki H

Hi Blair J Hebert , it's nice to meet you! I'd like to comment on the part where you said "I'm not great at reaching out." You definitely need to work on that aspect. The more you get better at that or push yourself out of your comfort zone, the more opportunities will open up to you.

Blair J Hebert

Hi Niki, I am in agreement thank you. I am too comfortable being the aloof introverted creator and I need to retool my approach to act as a show promoter and producer. I must rekindle my motivated actor, see and act on the right opportunity and attract the partner and agreement I want to work with. You pinpoint the action of getting out of the comfort zone. Truth. I must get out of my own way to create the opportunity I am looking for. Again thank you. I'm putting on a new hat today. I love my story and soon it will stream for all the world to see and it will make people happy, laugh and have a positive effect on their day. It will be a light on the hill and I will thrive and enjoy the ride, and anyone involved with me will prosper. Carpe Diem.

Niki H

Love that attitude Blair! It's easier said than done, I know that personally. But each little step and attempt at reaching out helps us and our work. And it keeps opening new channels we might not even know of in the future.

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