Introduce Yourself : Love my Fellow Filmakers by Joey Medina

Joey Medina

Love my Fellow Filmakers

My name is Joey Medina, director, producer, writer and actor in that order.' Based in Los Angeles, My first project was a feature, I was fortunate enough to sell for double the production cost. My last few shorts films have accumulated over 200 film festival awards for multiple categories from around the globe. I love the filmmaking process from start to finish. 

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on the big sale and all of your success, Joey Medina! It's A LOT (I read your bio). I gotta check out “The Original Latin Kings of Comedy”!

Joey Medina

Thank You Maurice

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Welcome here.

Xochi Blymyer

congrats on your film. I agree! I love filmmaking too!

Rutger Oosterhoff


Leonardo Ramirez

Wow...over 200 awards. That's fantastic, Joey Medina - congratulations!

Leonardo Ramirez

Love the name of your company, Joey Medina . I was born in the Bronx as well.

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Joey! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

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