Introduce Yourself : Introduction by Oluyinka Davids

Oluyinka Davids


Hello Stage32 Community!

I'm thrilled to join this vibrant platform of creatives! As a filmmaker passionate about sharing African stories with a universal touch, I explore inter-border narratives and the rich tapestry of cultures and connections. I'm eager to collaborate, learn, and contribute to this community. Looking forward to connecting with many of you!

Warm regards,

Oluyinka Davids

Luca Mannea

Hi Oluyinka Davids , welcome on Stage32! Looking forward to connect (also because I strongly believe that African stories are among the most fascinating ones) :)

Oluyinka Davids

Hey Luca Mannea, Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm thrilled to be on Stage32 and absolutely agree with you about the richness of African stories. They hold a universe of emotions, traditions, and tales that are truly captivating. I'm looking forward to connecting and perhaps collaborating in the future. Let's bring these stories to life!

Allen Lynch

Welcome Oluyinka & Good Luck!

Wendy Weising

Welcome! We're glad you joined us.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Oluyinka Davids. Congratulations on the selections for Stay," "Akwuna," and "Prim & Proper"! And congratulations on all of your accomplishments!

Anna Kadykova

welcome! I am also new here )

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Oluyinka! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Carina S. Burns

Welcome to the community, Oluyinka Davids!

Linwood Bell

Yes, Welcome Oluyinka Davids ! Pleasure to meet you.

Kelly Namey

Welcome, Oluyinka. Best of luck on your creative journey.

Patricia Stepp

Welcome, Glad to have you here!

Morne Patterson

Great to meet you Sir :)

Oluyinka Davids

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. I'm so thrilled to be on Stage32!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, @Oluyinka Davids. Are you working on any new projects?

Martin Reese

Welcome Oluyinka Davids. I am a write genre films. I have really been exploring mythos from the African continent. My award winning horror screenplay THE EYE OF OWUO was based an African myth. Love to hear more of what you're working on.

Jason Boyer


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