Introduce Yourself : A new script by Nicholas P

Nicholas P

A new script

I came back to screenwriting for another roll, and it came back better than ever. I simply from seeing a bad movie and enjoying what I do.

Nick Waters

Love to hear it! What are you working on now Nicholas P ?

Sydney Summers

Glad to hear you're enjoying what you are doing !

Nicholas P

I was working on a short script but I finished it and it was because I wanted to make something better than a horrible film I saw Nick Waters

Nicholas P

Thank you Sydney Summers

Maurice Vaughan

Sounds like you're growing as a writer, Nicholas P. That's great!

Nicholas P

Thank you Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Nicholas P.

Eleni Papanou

Yes, the transition to loving what you do is priceless. When my imagination rebooted, I wondered why I had ever stopped.

Leonardo Ramirez

Glad that you came back to it and better yet, that you're enjoying it, Nicholas P . And sometimes, a pause can add life experiences to your writing that will make it better.

Nicholas P

You got a boost to your imagination and you had the same feeling I did Eleni Papanou

Nicholas P

A pause is sometimes a good idea Leonardo Ramirez

Leonardo Ramirez

Agreed Nicholas P . I've taken pauses that have lasted years and others one day. I took one this weekend, in fact. It helps.

Nicholas P

For me, it was months Leonardo Ramirez

Leonardo Ramirez

That's not bad, Nicholas P. Lot of life experience during that time that can be used in your writing.

Nicholas P

I can say that the timing was perfect Leonardo Ramirez

Geert Van Nieuwenhove

wishing you the best with it, Nicholas P

Nicholas P

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