Your Stage : Amazing! by Ralph Esparza

Ralph Esparza


I am extremely grateful to say that I am now a producing partner at Mario Kassar Productions and we are in the early stages of creating something incredible! I have had a lifelong dream to be able to work with someone as accomplished as Mr. Kassar. His body of work speaks for itself; First Blood, Rambo II and III, Total Recall, Terminator 2, Basic Instinct, Cliffhanger and so many more. I am still learning something new everyday with each conversation we have and it has been an amazing experience so far. I can’t wait to share more about our upcoming project….stay tuned!

Xochi Blymyer

looking forward to hearing how it’s going! I worked on Terminator 2 long ago but was just a new 2nd 2nd AD so didn’t really know Mr Kassar. hope it all goes great!

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