Success Stories: OCT'22 Getting Paid to Write!

Maureen Mahon

Getting Paid to Write!

The contract is signed and the first deposit has been paid. I have just closed my second paid screenwriting gig in 6 months. (I actually had a third writing gig, but it fell through, which I'm NOT sad about). This latest job is a feature film adaptation of a woman's memoir about growing up in Vietnam, losing her parents at the age of 4, and navigating through a war-torn country as an orphan that no one wants. Her story is told without an ounce of self-pity. In fact, she eventually triumphs here in the U.S. - not easily, but eventually. This is a soul journey where the protagonist goes back to Vietnam to find answers to her past, and maybe even find pieces of herself.

I will also produce the film, which I see as a sweeping epic, and I'm super excited to get started. This is a connection I made at one of the Stage 32 meetups!

The other script I recently finished is slated for production in Oklahoma next Spring. I get to produce that one, as well. I have an actor interested in the lead role, so when that's solidified, I'll be announcing it here!

Thanks to Stage 32 and the community here for all the support and encouragement!

Jason Bradford

Congrats! That's fantastic.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations, Maureen Mahon!!! The feature film adaptation sounds incredible! Can't wait to see it!

Rutger Oosterhoff

Time to be one of the paid producers to pitch to here on Stage 32.

Kenneth Adrian Ellis

It is what-you're doing as a professional writer now; kudos to you!

JR Rodriguez

That's fantastic!!! Congratulations!!!

Sam Rivera

Congrats Maureen Mahon

Maureen Mahon

Thank you! :-)

Kathy Holzapfel

Wow! Congrats, Maureen Mahon - your news is inspiring and encouraging. Onward!

Boma Hart

great one.congrats

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Maureen Mahon.

Kelley Watson

Congrats! So good!

Kelly Namey

Way to go, Maureen! Very happy for you!

Leonardo Ramirez

Congratulations Maureen Mahon - that's awesome! And such a beautiful story to tell as well. Sounds like a must watch!

Rachel Walker


Tom Stohlgren

Your latest sounds like a great story.

Volkan (Walkie ) Durakcay

Congratulations Miss Maureen Mahon - that's wonderful, l hope you will be very successful !!

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