Guys, please be wary of scammers who pretend to be legit agents & consultants, but have no experience in the industry, haven't accomplished anything, or have no real connections. Tons of people being taken for a ride by grifters who have no idea what they're doing or talking about. Vulnerable and gullible writers new to the game, looking for an edge are a prime target. Do your due diligence. Don't waste your hard-earned cash. And if you are one of these scammers, and you know if you are, please stop this behavior. Be a better person.
6 people like this
Great advice, Ben Johnson Jr.! I was scammed when I was a new writer. I'm not sure how many times. I wanted success so badly, I jumped at any opportunity. I definitely make sure I do my due diligence now.
6 people like this
100%! This happens a lot with "casting directors" too, claiming your time and efforts for auditions for projects which end up never happening, as if it's all just a power move. We should strive to push for job 'providers' to also be more transparent with project plans (dates, production teams, director names, budgets) so that we can save time and not end up chasing loose threads - but it's so difficult when everyone hides behind 'no-disclosure until cast' methods.
5 people like this
Ben, thanks a bunch for posting!
I've had to learn to do Google searches at every network request after producer Richard Kelly joined Stage 32 and started asking writers to pony up $3,000 to join his team. (He eventually got kicked off the site.)
I lucked out...never paid Richard a cent.
So doggone glad you're back on 32...wishing you all the VERY BEST!
3 people like this
Hey, Ben Johnson Jr. , thank you for this post. There are legions of scammers who claim credits that can't be verified, who in fact may have only served coffee on the set. I know, coffee is important. But...
3 people like this
Thank you for posting and putting this out here. This is so true.
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Ben Johnson Jr. Hi Ben, thanks for posting this. There are a bunch of us who are Moderators on the Stage32 site and we report the instances we know about to the relevant team and they’re usually dealt with pretty quickly and deleted from the site. Although I recall one guy who had around 10 or so accounts and each attempt was dealt with and he was deleted from the site. If you see any suspicious accounts, you can report it to me and I’ll tell the team about them.
Cheers, Geoff
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A conman (grifters) job is to make you feel confident to act such as pay money or give information.
The big one for me is “who have you worked with previously?”. When they say “I have signed NDAs so I cannot say”. My response is “well I’ll need a huge discount until you prove yourself to me”.
This sends them running or they come up with proof.
Secondly, writing doesn’t cost. We are manufacturers, we make a product a screenplay and we sell it. A farmer has never sent me money to buy their steak.
2 people like this
Thanks for the important reminder, Ben Johnson Jr.!
4 people like this
Yeah, I think you have to stay vigilant, always. Like a lot of people say: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.Great post, Ben Johnson Jr. Lest we forget!
4 people like this
They have grown in frequency in the past few years for sure. Definitely have to be careful and to keep reporting such disgusting behaviour.
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Athina Kefalopoulos you are so right on the money!
4 people like this
Pat Savage thank you! Though I really wish I wasn't :/ We really need to stick together!
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This Is the whole idea of @stage32 togetherness and guidance and community
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For someone like me who doesn't have any connections, I rely on places like Stage 32 to help me weed out what's legit and what's not. I don't have a lot of money to invest in my career right now, so I'm grateful that there are people like you who are willing to look out for us and point these out!