Screenwriting : Advise for my next step! by Jacob Martin

Jacob Martin

Advise for my next step!

I just finished the 2nd draft of my first feature film. I tend to write heavy and then shave it down later. I'm sitting at about 145 pages right now for a SciFi/ Action film. I'm trying to decide between the following next steps:

A) Killing my darlings and trying to cut my script down closer to 90-110 pages

B) Getting coverage from other armature screenwriting friends

C) Getting coverage from a professional on Stage 32

D) Trying to contact and agent and try to get my screenplay read/ sold.

I would especially like to hear from people who have actually sold screenplays. (No offense to anyone at the same stage as me!) What would you suggest?

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

A! Then give it out to readers for feedback, then rewrite, give it out, rewrite, then get coverage, and then look for a manager. If you only have one script, get two or three more completed. Demonstrate to a rep (agent or manager) you have scripts that are at their highest potential and ready to go.

Dan MaxXx

This ^^^^

And do you know how to kill your darlings cause if you did, 145pgs for a spec script is failing from the jump

Maurice Vaughan

A then C, Jacob Martin.

Jacob Martin

Thank you to those of you who commented helpful advice! I'll start re-writing today!

Dan Guardino

First, make sure your screenplay isn't overwritten. That is a very common thing when starting out. Then start your scenes as late as possible and end them as soon as possible. Overwriting is probably one of the biggest killers of a spec screenplay. When you are being paid you can overwrite if you want but until then learn to use as few words as possible. Action lines should be no more than three lines of four at the most. People usually don't always talk in complete sentences so you might be able to shorten it that way as well.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Jacob Martin. Happy Rewriting!

Emily J

Hey Jacob Martin! I'm just going to reiterate what everyone else has already said - definitely look at that last you made as a list of steps instead of a multiple choice option. I would edit down, then give it to your friends, then coverage on Stage 32, then exec coverage and consultations to make sure you're getting a consensus on what state it's in, and then go out to reps (assuming you have more than one script since managers tend to want to read more than one). If you need any help choosing who to submit to on the platform when you're ready, shoot me an email at!

Mark Deuce

All of the Above Jacob Martin

Sam Sokolow

Agree with the community here and 100% with Emily J - utilize all the tools at your fingertips here. Wishing you huge success!

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