Introduce Yourself : Happy introduce yourself weekend! by Marissa Vonn

Marissa Vonn

Happy introduce yourself weekend!

Lucky enough to be surrounded by awesome professionals and professional photo bombers!

Kelly Ann Parker

Great shot!

Karen "Kay" Ross

great frame within a frame!

Estela Mercado

Karen "Kay" Ross is there a way to send you a message or speak to you regarding these meetups please? I have a few questions. Thank you

Leonardo Ramirez

That's awesome Marissa Vonn - great shot!

Maurice Vaughan

Nice to meet you, Marissa Vonn. You wrote on your profile "I love telling compelling stories with unexpected protagonists." That's a great idea! I need to try that.

John Michael German


"professional photo bombers!" - A YouTube sensation that could playfully gift a memorable view.

Gratitude within the path of yourself.

God Bless,

John German

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