Financing / Crowdfunding : About to make a push by Ryan Quinn

Ryan Quinn

About to make a push

Hey fellow creatives!

I'm at a crossroads in my filmmaking journey and would love to tap into the collective wisdom of this amazing community.

Ryan Quinn

I'm currently exploring avenues for funding a screenplay project that's very close to my heart. I've seen many of you achieve incredible feats, and I'm curious to know: Have any of you successfully secured funding for your projects? What platforms or resources would you recommend for independent filmmakers seeking financial support? Any tips or insights on approaching potential investors? I'm also contemplating reaching out to a friend who's had success in the industry. Do you have any advice on initiating such conversations? Your experiences and advice mean the world to me, and I'm excited to learn from the best! Feel free to drop your insights below or DM me. Let's build each other up!

Emily J

Great question Ryan Quinn! I'm sure some of our members have some great advice! I would definitely recommend checking out Stage 32 Education, it's a tremendous resource for this kind of information!

Ryan Quinn

OK thank you, I've spent alot of money of the years on feedback and competitions. I have come close to having a movie made alongside Canadian Director Manuel DaSilva but the pandemic killed that project, for now at least. I have another company that wants to hold the rights to one of my scripts under the guise that it may get produced by their company. The way they are doing it though is almost like a competition where they have 3 different scripts and which ever gets the most recommendations is the one that they will make. Seems kinda Sketchy, the company is Interdependent.

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