Anything Goes : Pitch Meetings Are A Money Grab by Clifford Anzini

Clifford Anzini

Pitch Meetings Are A Money Grab

3 months ago I had a pitch meeting with a screenwriting manager looking for animation. He requested my material, and I had to get Stage 32 to remind him to review it. Turns out, he's not looking for any new projects and has no experience in animation... These people pocket 35$ USD for every 6 minute phone call they take. I paid for his service. WE pay for their services. So why was he false advertising when he wasn't looking for new projects or had any experience in animation?

If these people were actually interested in our material, we wouldn't have to pay them to look at it. Personally, I find this whole system disgusting. I come from from a construction background, so maybe it's just me, but if I'm paying you for a service then don't bullshit me.

Keep putting your material out. I've had more leads from "cold calling" and reaching out to people than anything I've had on here. I won't pay for another pitch meeting.

All this being said, I wish you guys success in whatever you're working on. I won't be paying another dollar on this website. I rather invest that money back into my project, and you should do the same.

Clifford Anzini

Also, to the Stage 32 moderators, I've been waiting 5 days for a response. I want that refund

Tamara Rees

How about making a web series for YouTube? if the first season is good, a network might pick it up. sorry I can't help any more than that.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Clifford Anzini. Sorry that happened. The main purpose of the Pitch Sessions is to get feedback on your pitch to make it better. Sometimes the person will request the material, option the material, etc. ( The moderators don't handle Script Services and refunds, but I suggest emailing Stage 32 again since they get a lot of emails each day and they might not get a chance to respond right away.

Clifford Anzini

Tamara Rees I’m looking into doing this. It’s expensive though, I’d need financing as I couldn’t afford to do it all myself.

Andrea Zastrow

This is why when I get those emails from S32 about the dozens of scripts that have been requested each week, I take them with a grain of salt. What I'd really like to know is how many scripts have actually been produced (or at least purchased) as the result of a $35 paid pitch. Or how many people have been signed after a paid pitch? Fair questions.

Clifford Anzini

Andrea Zastrow Exactly. It’s easy to take money from people when you play on their hopes and dreams. Like I said, it doesn’t make logical sense for me to pay someone to listen to me. I had one pitch where I got feedback and the guy clearly didn’t listen to a thing I said. This whole platform seems like a giant scam.

Andrea Zastrow

Clifford Anzini, there are many good things offered by this platform (networking, insightful blogs, tips from other writers, etc.), but I do wish they'd cut back on the relentless push of paid services that seem to prey on the hopeful/desperate. I also wish there was more transparency.

Stephen Folker

Clifford Anzini - I know it can be frustrating. From a filmmaking perspective, it's frustrating to enter a film festival and not get in. It's part of playing the lottery ticket. A friend of mine was once a screener for a very big festival and confided in me they didn't even watch the films all the way through. Should it deter someone from You still have to try. And maybe those screeners could tell within a few minutes if a film wasn't the right quality. Maybe pitch or practice pitch services are not the way to go for you. Have you tried other routes? What are you working on now?

Clifford Anzini

Stephen Folker I appreciate it man. I’m not discouraged though, I just learned very quickly that this isn’t a route to success. Right now, I hired an animator to make a 1:30 reel derived from my pilot. New animation style that’s more suitable for TV. I have a few leads but who knows if any of it is real.

Emily J

Hi Clifford Anzini! Just want to reiterate what Maurice said that the pitch sessions are designed for feedback to improve your pitches. They can lead to material requests or meeting requests and you can see many of the successes that come from those requests and our other services here ( I'm sorry you haven't heard back from our team. I'll take a look through our emails to track down your message. I'm sorry that it wasn't responded to sooner - looks like it was forwarded to me while I was out of the office last week. You will get a response from me shortly!

Alister Brooks

I feel you Clifford! Yes, they say they are designed for "feedback." But, I've come to view that as their failsafe. They know writers, like all artist, can be easily exploited and taken advantage of. I've come to view this as a "just toe the line" game. Appreciate following your gut and heart; paving your own path. Keep working buddy! Best of luck to you...

Mark Deuce

I agree with Alister Brooks that no matter what KEEP WRITING Clifford Anzini because it is a numbers game like phone sales, out of 100 calls you might get one sale and it is the same concept here, the more you create and put out there is like playng soccer, the team that attacks the goalie with the most balls wins the game. Hope that helps and just keep creating bro!

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