Acting : Acting Tip of the Day by Matthew Gross

Matthew Gross

Acting Tip of the Day

So, as some of you know, my BFF Dan and I are looking for commercial agent to represent us. We went through the SAG Franchised Agency and ATA lists. We looked at agency websites, used Google Maps to find their office buildings. We eliminated agencies located in shopping strip malls, apartment buildings, houses, or did not provide an address. We also eliminated agencies that are "referral only". Location of an agency can give us a quick idea of it's net worth. It costs a lot to have an office in Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Sherman Oaks, etc.; therefore, they are clearly earning a substantial income from their talent roster.

Then we started snooping around the agencies' social media accounts, specifically YouTube. Wouldn't you know it, we're finding commercial agent interviews on YouTube. This is giving us a big picture look at our prospective commercial talent agent. Are they having fun? Do they look like they care about being agents? What is their encouraging message to interested actors? What information are they sharing about the interview process [so we can be prepared].

So far, only one agent was eliminated from our list of possible candidates, because though he seemed interested in being inclusive, clearly his smile was forced. His message was, you better be a money maker or we really don't want you (stated with a pretend welcoming smile).

TIP: Check agency social media accounts.

Dan and I are looking for agents who foster a creative safe space and a sense of home and community. I'm pleased to announce at the top of our list so far is Bobby Ball Talent located near Warner Bros and the famous Bob's Big Boy Restaurant in Burbank. BBT is in the same building as "Star Trek: Next Generation" star Gates McFadden's theatrical agent SMS Talent. Check out this video Bobby Ball Talent posted on YouTube:

Maurice Vaughan

Your first paragraph is straight out of a spy movie, Matthew Gross. :D Great tip and questions to ask.

Ashley Renee Smith

Great tips, Matthew Gross! Thank you for sharing your experience with us!

Suzanne Bronson

That's a great tip Matthew Gross I never would have thought of that. In smaller markets I wonder about some of these agencies.

Cyreita Drummond

This is great and although we are happy with our agents, we have a talent manager local and agents but if we could start over this is the best way to go as there are many agents but finding one who can work best for you well this is a great analysis and on point 100%

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