Filmmaking / Directing : How To Maintain A Healthy Mental State As A Filmmaker by Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan

How To Maintain A Healthy Mental State As A Filmmaker

Elizabeth Blake-Thomas shares 10 tools that can help you maintain a healthy mental state as a filmmaker.

Elizabeth is a storyteller, director, co-founder of Mother & Daughter Entertainment, and creativity coach and founder of Medicine with Words.

Sam Sokolow

This is terrific - even just reading it was enlightening and calming. Thanks so much for this, Maurice Vaughan - it's a keeper!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Sam Sokolow. The blog has a lot of great advice for filmmakers, like "visualize what your end movie looks like."

Billy Kwack

Hi Elizabeth, what's up Maurice, playoffs are soon

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Billy Kwack. Looking forward to the playoffs. I haven't been keeping up with the NFL much this year, so I'm not sure who's gonna be in the playoffs. I came up with an NFL movie idea way back. I couldn't figure out a storyline though.

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, I think sports movies are hard to write. A league of their own, is my favorite sports movie

Maurice Vaughan

"A League of Their Own" is the movie about the female pro baseball team, right, Billy Kwack?

Sydney Summers

That was a beautiful share ! Wonderful tips :-)

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, yes with many great actors. My friend Robert told me his grandmother was in that league

Maurice Vaughan

That's real cool, Billy Kwack. I've heard of that movie, but I haven't seen it. I need to check it out.

Maurice Vaughan

You're right, Sydney Summers. Wonderful tips. Any creative (filmmaker, actor, writer, composer, animator, etc.) can use them.

Sam Rivera

What a great share Maurice Vaughan

Jason Boyer

Thanks for sharing it.

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, I think the ending of a league of their own is very sad

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Jason Boyer.

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