Screenwriting : Incoming! Gernade!!!! by Curt Samlaska

Curt Samlaska
GJ Harvey

A lot of frustration is being expressed in that video. Interesting how he says discussion of plot & characters has been eclipsed by what the message of the movie is. Not sure about that, but as an optimist, I like how they suggested diversity and inclusion is best achieved by bringing new people and views onboard rather than subbing one group for the other.

CJ Walley

I also found the comments about message a little odd. Perhaps it would be fairer to say it's more on the nose now.

Christiane Lange

I am getting a little tired of the whining about wokeness, DEI, etc. The landscape is always shifting, and the bottom line is that most people, especially women, are done with casual sexism, bigotry and harassment. And yes, women, people of color, LGBTQ people and all kinds of other groups who in the very recent past had no seat at the table, now do. I get that straight, white dudes may have some problems adjusting, but if you are honest, talented and of good will, there will still be a place for you.

Curt Samlaska

If you are honest, talented and of good will, there should always be a place for matter what. I don't care what you look like. I don't care what your sexual preferences are. What I do care for is what you are creating that entertains, enlightens, reflects on the human condition and yes, even what message you are trying to profess. The marketplace will reward you or punish you on how they perceive your work. The marketplace is always can't force the public to love your writing. How you look and your sexuality should have nothing to do with being selected for work. It should be merit based...that's all they are saying. In the United States there are laws against is illegal to select people for a job based on your sex, race, sexual preference or disability. This is such a toxic topic that most people are afraid to even comment on it for fear of being penalized for their point of view...that they will be blacklisted for having a certain perspective. I'm old enough to be able to reflect...and hope that I will be judged on my writing and not some arbitrary physical appearance or sexual proclivity. My comments are not meant to be offensive. I am hoping that we can all be honest and open about the marketplace we find ourselves in. I wish everyone much success, whatever your background is. Keep writing!

Christiane Lange

CJ Walley Maybe not on the nose so much as something people actually have to think about critically.

30-40 years ago, roughly, in so far as there was messaging, it was sort of automatic, adhering to well established tropes and social norms. An Officer And A Gentleman and the original Top Gun spring to mind, the latter being somewhat groan-worthy on rewatching. Now, social norms are in a state of flux, so we have to think about these things, and the process is messy.

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