Introduce Yourself : This seat taken? by Tim Ogletree

Tim Ogletree

This seat taken?

Feels like I got invited to sit at the cool kids table! I'm Tim, a screenwriter and producer, and proud owner of a 0% RT movie. Nothing like exceeding expectations! I was fortunate to sell my first studio script FANTASY FOOTBALL back in '22 and watch Tony Romo talk about it during Thanksgiving football (for real, top 3 moment in my life haha).

Currently on the second draft of what I hope is the next studio project, and my lofty '24 goal is to sell that and produce 3 indies. Currently navigating with no rep, but I know that'll happen in time as I keep growing in my areas. Love connecting and building a network of people far smarter, more talented, and more experienced than myself (not too difficult to find tbh) because that's the best way to level up in my humble opinion!

Now that that's out of the way, what's everyone drinki-- I mean watching this weekend??

Maurice Vaughan

Sorry, Tim Ogletree. All the seats at the cool kids table are taken. I'll probably watch the NFL playoffs and movies this weekend. What are you gonna watch?

Tim Ogletree

Maurice Vaughan fine, I didn't want to sit there anyway. NFL playoffs no question, hopefully starting the new True Detective if I can convince the wife haha

John Snell

Way to go Tim, congrats! Best of luck growing!

Maurice Vaughan

You can sit at the awesome cool kids table, Tim Ogletree. TRUE DETECTIVE is on my watchlist. I gotta check it out. Is your team in the playoffs?

Tim Ogletree

Maurice Vaughan if i say who my team is I will be publicly shamed and never make it to the cool table. i’ll just say they embarrassed me last weekend in a game they should have won

Maurice Vaughan

The Rams, Tim Ogletree? I'm guessing the Rams since you're in LA. I have three teams. Eagles, Steelers, and Panthers. Two of my teams lost last week. :'(

Ashley Renee Smith

You're always welcome at my table, Tim Ogletree! Thank you for being such a kind and supportive presence here at Stage 32!

I watched the first episode of True Detective season 4 yesterday. I think it's going to be a fun season!

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