Your Stage : Female first directed short film crowdfunding by Eliah Miller

Eliah Miller

Female first directed short film crowdfunding

Dear Stage 32 Community,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Eliah Miller and I'm writing to you today with a heart full of passion and excitement as I embark on a journey that has always been my dream. As a first-time female director, I find myself both thrilled and humbled by the opportunity to bring my short film to life.

I understand the power of dreams, and I believe that many of you share the same sentiments. It's not always easy to pursue our passions, especially when we're not well-connected in the industry. That's where the magic of communities like Stage 32 comes in.

I am reaching out to you, my fellow filmmakers, for your support. I've started a GoFundMe campaign and prepared a lookbook, pouring my heart and soul into this project. Your support means the world to me, and together, we can turn this dream into a reality.

I may not have a vast network to reach out to, but I have faith in the power of a community that understands the struggles and triumphs of independent filmmaking. I kindly ask you to take a moment to visit my GoFundMe page and explore the lookbook I've prepared. Your contribution, whether big or small, will make a significant impact.

Moreover, I encourage you to spread the word within our community. Share this post, tell your fellow filmmakers, and let's build a ripple effect of support. Your tips and feedback are not just welcomed; they are cherished. Feel free to message or comment with any insights you may have – your experience is invaluable. My team and I greatly appreciate all that this post might bring for us. Let us support one another in making our films and bringing them to life! Thank you all again.

Gofundme link:

Lookbook link:

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Eliah Miller. I’m a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I wanted to let you know I moved your posts from the main Lounges to the Your Stage Lounge because they're promotion. Promotion can go in the Your Stage Lounge ( and on Your Wall. I also moved your posts from the main Lounges to the Your Stage Lounge because you posted the same thing in multiple Lounges.

You can post your promotion in one of the main Lounges (Financing/Crowdfunding Lounge, Screenwriting Lounge, Filmmaking/Directing Lounge, etc.) if your post starts a conversation that’s helpful and educational to the community.

Example: If you post your crowdfunding campaign in the Financing/Crowdfunding Lounge, within that post you could start a discussion about your experience running a campaign, give a tip on running a campaign, etc. -- this doesn’t have to be long, just something that starts a conversation that’s helpful and educational.

You can also post your promotion in one of the main Lounges if you're asking for feedback.

Let me know if you have any questions. Congratulations on being a first-time director! Hope your campaign gets fully funded!

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