Acting : Beware Should Actors Sign Exclusive Agents Contracts by Aaron Marcus

Aaron Marcus

Beware Should Actors Sign Exclusive Agents Contracts

Beware Should Actors Sign Exclusive Agents Contracts

Signing an agency contract can be an important step in an actor’s career.

Make sure you know what you are signing.

Watch the video and learn more about contracts.

Have you signed a contract? How did things work out? Was it an exclusive contract?

Would love to hear your experience with the contract signing.

Sam Sokolow

Thanks for sharing, Aaron Marcus - this is a big topic for actors and the excitement of potentially being signed should always be followed by due diligence before putting the actual signature on the dotted line.

Aaron Marcus

That is so important Sam. I agree 100 percent. Sometimes we actors get so excited about being offered a contract, that we don't take a step back to make sure this legal contract works for us.

Pamela Jaye Smith

Indeed, Aaron, it's really important to seriously consider the import of a contract: length, what the agent will actually do for you, their track record and reputation, and more, as no doubt many actors can recount. It's great that Stage 32 has people like yourself with experience and the generousity to share it with others.

Aaron Marcus

This is so kind of you Pamela. This means a lot coming from you.

Maurice Vaughan

Great advice and insight, Aaron Marcus.

Aaron Marcus

Thank you Maurice

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Aaron Marcus.

Leonardo Ramirez

Great share, Aaron Marcus. I never would have thought that exclusivity could apply to a region or area specifically.

Aaron Marcus

Hi Leonardo, I know, it took me a while to finally learn that exclusivity and mean different things. So glad you found the video helpful. Thanks for the comment.

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