Screenwriting : What's your process? by Eoin O'Sullivan

Eoin O'Sullivan
Leonardo Ramirez

Depends on what your goals are Eoin O'Sullivan . I think that there are many writers who have different goals - be a writer on a show, sell spec scripts, etc. Figure out what your goals are and align your action plan accordingly. All that to say, be you. He's right about the process and that's something we need to be willing to adjust and learn in the journey. For me, that's reading the dialogue in my scripts out loud as if it was part of a conversation...which it is.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Eoin O'Sullivan. My process for writing a feature script is I outline, rewrite the outline, write the script (and rewrite as I go), rewrite the script in categories (A Story rewrite, B Story rewrite, dialogue rewrite, etc.), then edit the script for typos. After I edit the script for typos, I turn the outline into a treatment (or just make a treatment from scratch), then I make the script poster and pitch deck.

Michael David

Oh right, I forgot we're supposed to have one of those....

Rutger Oosterhoff

This is absolutely great. And you don't even hear him talking about the fact that writers can't optimally use both parts of their brain; the 'creative' AND the 'logical, structural' part, your either good in one or the other. So you you MUST fucus on the weaker one, and do a lot of exersices for that one, if not, your stronger poinst only get stronger and you weaker even weaker. Explained in a different video of his. I just love this guy!!

Richard Buzzell

What's your process? This is a question that every writer needs to have a good answer for when it's asked in a meeting.

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