Screenwriting : Golem Screenplay by Aviad Shely

Aviad Shely

Golem Screenplay

Hey everyone! I recently was a finalist in a screenplay competition (yay!) for a Jewish drama/romance/fantasy screenplay and I was wondering if anyone here would have recommendations as to what I should do next? I would love to be in contact with individuals interested in the production and furtherance of Jewish-based film and story.

Just not sure where to look :(

Any advice is appreciated!

Matthew Kelcourse

Hi Aviad. What do you do next? My thought is keep writing another script or two, continue rewriting the finalist script, and stock up on feathers in your cap as well as an answer they like when they ask, "what else have you got". Also, you'll get responses you didn't expect when you're a finalist in a top-tier competition like Austin, Zoetrope, and Scriptapalooza. Cheers.

Aviad Shely

Thank you Matthew! Cheers. I could definitely see myself writing other scripts. I feel like I revised this script quite a few times that it would be pulling teeth to go further, unless under the directive of another individual’s vision.

I guess my problem really is that it being finished and I think good enough to get somewhere, it’s difficult to just leave it be and I would love to be able to get the right eyes to see it. Sometimes feels so arbitrary the standards for what is made or what will be supported.

Definitely have to enter those contests as well, in that case!

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on "Golem" being a finalist, Aviad Shely!

My biggest piece of advice is build relationships/network, especially on Stage 32. Here are blogs on networking: In my opinion, building relationships/networking is the best way to get people to notice scripts.

You could post your logline, synopsis, and script in the Logline Section of your Stage 32 profile so producers, directors, etc. can see them.

You could also search for producers, directors, etc. for your script in the Browse Members Section:

Aviad Shely

thank you so much Maurice! I will!

Michael Yurinko

If you can place in the Nicholl Fellowships, you will have Hollywood calling you. Give it a shot.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Aviad Shely.

Neal Howard - Find a way to make it yourself. These guys did and are having a bit of success now starting out playing to heavily Jewish audiences leading to wider spread interest.

Pat Alexander

Very cool!

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