Filmmaking / Directing : Don't Let Them Put You In a Box by Trey Alessio

Trey Alessio

Don't Let Them Put You In a Box

What's up, Stage32 fam? It's been a minute since I've been on here. I've been in a deep creative zone for the past year and a half. During that time, I conceptualized a wild, unique, fun idea that's been bouncing around in my head for quite a while. I took my time, gathered my resources, assembled a crew and chipped away at telling this story little-by-little. More micro-budget filmmaking, baby!

Now, I'm proud to say that we've finished our new film. I don't want to give away too many details, but based on the type of film it is and how weird the concept is, I definitely had a lot of imposter syndrome with this one. I kept asking myself, "Will people connect with this?" "Will people laugh?" "Will people understand the message?" And then, I saw a clip from a podcast with legendary music producer Rick Rubin. He said something along the lines of "make something for you. Don't think about the audience. Make it for you. Even if you think the idea is crazy. If something is pulling you in a certain direction, explore that. Even if you may not know why at the time." Obviously, he was talking about music, but I connected with it from a storytelling and filmmaking aspect. I kept that in the back of my mind as I attempted to tackle this massive idea I had and slowly started to kill my imposter syndrome. When I finally got to the finish line, it felt that much better. Now, we're in the process of entering our "film" into festivals to see if we can make a little run. After that, we're going to explore the best option to get this project out into the world. Hopefully you all will be able to see it soon.

I say all that to say, don't let people put you in a box. I consider myself a screenwriter at heart, but since I took the leap into filmmaking, I've found a passion for that. I love music. I love podcasts. I love pop culture. In art and cinema, if I see something that inspires me, most of the time, I think to myself, "how can I do that?" "How can I tell my story in this unique way?" Maybe one day I'll get into animation. Maybe one day I'll want to write a comic book or a novel. I don't want people to put me in a box. I just want to create and tell powerful stories. If I ain't creating, I ain't living. So that's what I'm going to continue to do for as long as I can.

Robin Gregory

Congratulations, Trey Alessio ! You're doin' it your way. What's better than that? Keep us posted on your new film. Will you list it on IMDb?

Trey Alessio

Thanks, Robin Gregory! I've been so busy with everything else that I kind of forgot about IMDB. I'll have to look into getting it on there.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome back, Trey Alessio. Great advice! Yours and Rick Rubin's. I usually experience imposter syndrome when I'm about to start writing, I'm done writing a scene, or I'm about to pitching. I brush it off and write or pitch.

Shoghi Barr Aqdas

kudos to you!

Mike Boas

Let’s see a trailer! Your enthusiasm is contagious!

Trey Alessio

Thanks, Shoghi Barr Aqdas! I appreciate it!

Trey Alessio

I'm happy to send out some positive energy, Mike Boas! I'll share the trailer on here when the time is right. I'm trying to time everything out perfectly.

Ashley Renee Smith

Love it! I'm so glad that you're back on Stage 32, Trey Alessio, and sharing these thoughts with us all. You're absolutely right! Why limit yourself as a creator? You should be able to explore storytelling in whatever medium makes the most sense for the particular project and be able to spread your wings into trying different roles and following whatever is most inspiring at the moment. Thank you for this great post!

Trey Alessio

I appreciate the kind words, Ashley Renee Smith!

Miquiel Banks

Thanks for sharing....and Congrats!!!

Trey Alessio

Thank you, Miquiel Banks!

James Kicklighter

It's important to stretch your filmmaking muscles! Once you figure out what you're good and bad at, then you can find a lane that makes sense for you.

Trey Alessio

James Kicklighter For sure!

Mark Deuce

Cannot wait Trey Alessio

Pat Alexander

What's your new movie about Trey Alessio ?

Trey Alessio

Pat Alexander it's a unique take on influencer culture and the negative effects of social media!

Debbie Croysdale

@Trey Congratulations! I’m really looking forward to this. Hope to see on festival circuit soon. Social media truly is a double edged sword. Who is really who? Too many now think a “friend” is a “blue tick” or “red heart.”

Trey Alessio

Debbie Croysdale 100%! Can't wait for you to see it!

Ashley Renee Smith

That sounds really interesting, Trey Alessio!

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