Introduce Yourself : Spring is Here! Time to make some movies! by Stephen Folker

Stephen Folker

Spring is Here! Time to make some movies!

Hey everyone - I'm Stephen Folker, a writer, director, dp out of Eastern Iowa.

Last Summer, I made a film called 'House on Rockingham' for next to no budget w/no crew. It's now secured distribution and I'm anxiously awaiting for it to come out. Currently, I'm working on a few projects, seeing which one gets off the ground along with producing several projects for other writers.

Would love to connect with others on this platform and always interested to hearing what people are working on! Comment below and let me know!

And if you're interested, here is my trailer:

Have a great day!!

Brian Smith

Congratulations, Stephen! That's a great accomplishment! It sounds like you have a lot of balls in the air. Well done!

Stephen Folker

Brian Smith thanks - trying to stay busy!! How about you, are you working on anything at the moment?

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on securing distribution, Stephen Folker! What genres are your other projects?

Geoff Hall

Well done, Stephen Folker on getting your film distributed. Other than money, what was the biggest challenge you faced?

Pat Savage

Congratulations on securing distribution, Stephen Folker Greetings from London to Eastern Iowa!

Nick Phillips

Stephen Folker that is HUGE. What an accomplishment. Now you know you can do it, which means you know you can do it again!

Stephen Notley

Hey, congratulations! Getting something --anything!-- to the finish line of actual existence is a huge accomplishment in its own right, and it's great to hear that the next steps seem to be falling into place. Inspiring!

Stephen Folker

Maurice Vaughan - right now my next project will be a thriller. For my clients - got 2 short dramas coming up. I love doing anything that involves busting out the camera and getting creative!

Stephen Folker

Geoff Hall For me, as crazy as it seems, nothing really phases me when filming. I'm a good problem solver on set. Positivity goes a long way!

Stephen Folker

Pat Savage - thank you! And nice to meet someone from London. I'm sure you have some awesome places to film a movie. What are you working on at the moment?

Stephen Folker

Stephen Notley - thank you! This one was a challenge. My financier died out of nowhere, leaving me with no options, so I said screw it, I'm making a movie!

Maurice Vaughan

Thriller is one of my favorite genres, Stephen Folker. Can't wait to check out your film.

Amanda Toney

Congrats on the distribution Stephen! How did you go about finding it?

Stephen Folker

Amanda Toney In this case, a previous company I worked with was interested. I did have a couple of companies reach out (not sure where they find projects) but their terms were not great. Now comes the hard part, making $$$$. Pray for me, lol!

Jane Tumminello

Stephen Folker, I love your trailer! Very creepy. Looking forward to the film.

Richard "RB" Botto

Huge accomplishment, Stephen Folker. Congratulations!

Stephen Folker

Jane Tumminello thank you for checking it out.

Richard "RB" Botto

Absolutely, Stephen Folker. Well earned!

Sam Sokolow

Hi Stephen Folker - i was so impressed with your trailer when you last posted it. So great that the film has secured distribution. I'm super happy for you and the whole team! Can you share where the film with be distributed?

Kiran Mishra Tiwari

What a trailer! I wish one day my characters can also talk and walk under such superb direction!!!

Stephen Folker

Sam Sokolow Still waiting to find out which platforms decide to pick it up. I do believe my sales agent is pitching to some of the bigger ones, but not holding my breath. Tubi considered it as an Original, but as far as I know it ended there for that.

Stephen Folker

Kiran Mishra Tiwari - thank you! I was pleased too. And thank you for checking the trailer out.

Pat Alexander

Wow @Stephen congrats on getting distribution! Any tips or tricks on the process that you think could make the process a little less daunting for up and comers?

Stephen Folker

Pat Alexander Distribution is not as difficult as many make it out to be. However, making $ is another story. Virtually all distributors and sales agents are dishonest. And you have to be realistic as to what platform you'll end up on. Everyone says "I want my film to be on Netflix". Nowadays, probably won't happen. And if it did, the payout from what I've heard isn't great. The other side of the argument is 'you need name cast'. Sure, that helps, tell me 1 filmmaker who has taken that approach that has made their money back. I've yet to meet one. Secret sauce is to make a film for as cheap as possible.

Bill McCormick

Stephen Folker that was a killer, as it were, trailer. Best of luck with it all.

Stephen Folker

Bill McCormick - thank you for checking it out. Appreciate it.

Stephen Folker

M LaVoie there are cheaper ways to test a film. Local, private screenings. Invite local film critics and movie buffs. No matter what, it's all based on one's budget and opinion on what's the right or wrong way to do it. Everyone is an expert, but it boils down to who is making money or not. My two cents.

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