Introduce Yourself : Hi I’m Michelle by Michelle Eades

Hi I’m Michelle

I am having a book I wrote turned into script and need help getting it to the screen. It is Raw, emotional, inspiring and true. Any advice or help would be truly appreciated

Maurice Vaughan

Nice to meet you, Michelle Eades. Once the script is finished, I suggest getting feedback through Stage 32 (

I also suggest posting your logline, synopsis, and script in the Logline Section of your profile. That's a great way to get ideas on your script.

And I suggest checking out these blogs on networking:

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Michelle! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Emily J

Hi Michelle Eades! I would definitely recommend checking out the Adaptation Review service and there are some great courses on adaptation within Stage 32 Education. If you shoot me an email at I can recommend some to you!

Adaptation Review >>

Education >>

Amanda Toney

What inspired you to write the book Michelle Eades

Michelle Eades

Hi every one thank you all for you feedback. Amanda Toney. It was a way to heal, the story is about my experience as a child, and the effects on my mental health due to trauma. It was also to create awareness and hopefully help give people a voice to something that is still fairly taboo

Michelle Eades

Emily J thank you I will definitely email you

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Michelle Eades.

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