Introduce Yourself : Hey Ya'll by Jim Newton

Jim Newton

Hey Ya'll

How are you all doing? I am doing well—at least as well as can be expected, given my third battle with cancer. I've not been writing as much on my projects recently; instead, I have been developing and conducting engineering webinars. I am back running. I use my running skills to help me answer questions about my current projects. I have been running since I turned 28 in 1977 and have now covered over 65,000 miles.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Jim Newton! I'm doing fine. Glad you’re doing well and you're back running! Wow, 65,000 miles! That's IMPRESSIVE! Congratulations!

Michael Elliott

Jim...congratulations on your 3rd victory over the BIG "C". I' did that battle twice and have been 100% clean since 2021. I was a boxer so multi-mile runs were an excepted part of all training routines. Stopped in 2014 when arthritis killed my left knee and a hip replacement forced me to hang up my running shoes. We're contemporaries (I was 29 in 1977) and I'm envious your wheels still have a lot of life in them. So, run on and write on.

Allen Lynch

Wow! Much continued success Jim!

Jed Power

Jim, Be grateful. As a fellow runner, I have been unable to run since a health incident 5 years ago and may not be back. If I could just make a script option/ Sale or get writing job now, I would be grateful for that!

Nick Phillips

Keep it up Jim Newton, that's amazing.

Emily J

Hi Jim Newton! So grateful to have you in the community! Hope you're feeling well Love your drive and passion :)

Niki H

Hi Jim Newton , hope you had a great IYW! I'm happy to hear that you are back running. Thank you for being part of the community.

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