Cinematography : Webinar soon! How to Get Work and Find Representation as a Cinematographer by Sydney Summers

Sydney Summers

Webinar soon! How to Get Work and Find Representation as a Cinematographer

Stage 32 is excited to welcome back Gareth Taylor for his upcoming webinar! Learn from the DP from Stranger Things!

Cinematography is an art form first and foremost. However, to be sustainable as a profession, one must treat it as a business. The entertainment industry is a notoriously competitive arena where surviving and thriving as a creative proves to be a challenge day in and day out.

Talent is only a small fraction of what makes a cinematographer successful at finding work. People skills are key and who you know opens doors. Being kind, open, ego-less, observant and an attentive listener are important character traits.

In this webinar we will talk about how to develop relationships, get our work out there and how to negotiate our livelihood. How can you stand out from others? What are some little things you can do that make a big difference in your Marketability? Should you invest in equipment? I will be sharing what I have learned over the last 15 years navigating the oftentimes treacherous waters surrounding our passion.

Sign up link:

Email with any questions!

Sam Sokolow

What a cool subject for cinematographers and anyone who wants to work in the camera department. Thanks for sharing, Sydney Summers!

Ashley Renee Smith

I'm so glad that Gareth is teaching another Webinar! He's the BEST! =)

Caitlin Bailey

Thank you for sharing this! I registered for it!

Gareth Taylor

Thanks Sydney Summers ! This will be a good one. I have a lot of important information to share and anyone getting their careers started or continuing their journey as a DP will benefit. Thanks for registering Caitlin Bailey .

Caitlin Bailey

Looking forward to it, Gareth Taylor!

Bob Klein

Super excited for this. I have a shoot today and won't be able to catch it live, will check out the recording.

Sydney Summers

Lovely to hear Bob, good luck with your shoot!

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