What career? And, I don't automatucally answer to professional advice. I only answer to logic: Talk less, work harder, and take lots of cocaine while petting a grizzy bear.
Always try to surprise yourself with your writing. The best way to keep your writing fresh is to always start at square one, like it’s your first screenplay.
Awesome! I love to hear these everyone. Thank you for participating. The best piece of advice that I ever got was "be the hardest working person in the room"
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Write every day.
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Never give up.
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Show, don't tell
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Don't be afraid to hurt your characters.
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if you aren’t digging deep into the timeless and universal condition of human nature, then keep digging.
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You write great prose but you're writing a screenplay, not a novel.
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Drink heavily.
What she said!
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Go make comics!
What career? And, I don't automatucally answer to professional advice. I only answer to logic: Talk less, work harder, and take lots of cocaine while petting a grizzy bear.
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Write drunk, edit sober.
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"Fiction is compelling to the extent that it raises questions and delays answers."
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Jason, the message I got was: "Emphasize conflict."
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"Learn to hide your hate." It was from an executive producer/director of three hit network series.
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"Stop apologizing for things that aren't your fault and that you have no control over."
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From feature and TV writers: know structure!
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Steve Martin's famous quote about being so good they can't ignore you is conveniently about getting to the top and staying there.
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Keep writing and don't be an asshole.
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Always try to surprise yourself with your writing. The best way to keep your writing fresh is to always start at square one, like it’s your first screenplay.
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Awesome! I love to hear these everyone. Thank you for participating. The best piece of advice that I ever got was "be the hardest working person in the room"
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“Nobody cares. Make them care.”
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Brevity and White Space
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1: Work with an Script Editor 2 Become an Script Editor.
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Beware dudes in beige jackets, blue V necks and pocket handkerchief. Especially those who disappeared for a lengthy period then returned.