Introduce Yourself : Excited and grateful to be here! by Griffin Sloan

Griffin Sloan

Excited and grateful to be here!

Hi everyone! I'm Griffin, and just wanted to introduce myself - I'm a newer member of Stage 32. I love movies and my true passion is screenwriting. I love reading scripts and watching the audio commentaries on films. Always eye-opening! Anyway, glad to be here and hope to connect with you all!

Joey Roozie

Hello everyone. My name is Joey. I have a great deal of experience in this business and I’m happy to be back on stage 32. Hello to Mr Botto who knows me as king Roozie. Wonderful to see you again sir. It’s been a long time. I’m an Executive producer now. Best wishes to everyone on stage 32.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Griffin Sloan. What's some of your favorite movies?

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Griffin! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Wendy Weising

Welcome, Griffin. I’m glad you joined us.

Sydney S

Hi Griffin! Welcome to Stage 32! What’s one of the most eye-opening things you've learned from watching audio commentaries on films?

Griffin Sloan

Thanks everyone! Maurice Vaughan favorite movies are The Return of the King, The Empire Strikes Back, Rain Man, Back to the Future, Argo and Dances with Wolves, to name a few! Sydney S for me I'd say that every movie is in its own universe! It has its own rules that affects everything from the story to the cinematography - like for ex Top Gun is always set at sunset, or an otherwise beautiful day - it never rains because that's not the "Top Gun" vibe. That's always stuck with me to keep in mind!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Griffin Sloan. I like those movies, especially "Back to the Future," "Top Gun," and "Rain Man." Are there any movies coming out in 2024 you're excited to see? Or movies that already came out this year?

Richard "RB" Botto

Fantastic to have you here, Griffin Sloan! Some fine film choices there, my friend.

Mark Deuce

Great to meet you Griffin Sloan and welcome aboard!

Sydney S

That's such a cool perspective, Griffin!! Thank you for answering my question :) It's true, each movie really does create its own unique universe with its own rules and vibe. Keeping those details in mind can really enhance the storytelling and cinematography. It's those consistent elements that make movies like "Top Gun" stand out and stick with us (One of my favorites, I love both but prefer the original). Thanks for sharing that insight with us!

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