Screenwriting : What about this IP strategy? by Joseph Follansbee

Joseph Follansbee

What about this IP strategy?

It's pretty clear that studios and major independents want established intellectual property. They rarely take chances on original material. I’ve heard that a screenwriter might increase the marketability of an original spec script by publishing it as a novel or novella, thus creating the IP that the big guys crave. Even if the content doesn't attract attention, you still have a chance of earning some revenue from book sales. What are your thoughts on this strategy?

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

Here's my input ... scripts to book was a fad about 8 years ago. It's up to you on doing this. Studios and others will look at book sales. The more there is the better the odds are they'll take a look. In the end, and from first hand experience, just tell a good story that's commercial and marketable, and they'll take a look at it.

Mark Deuce

I have done that Joseph Follansbee and I use and or

Dan MaxXx

Ppl tried this Strategy with comic books when comics were booming in 2000-10; it cost a lot of money & time & talent to publish a comic book. I think screenwriter Max Landis tried this.

If you just want to make your own movies, be a producer-writer. Spend your time learning to make movies. Self-publishing a book to just sell movie rights to a buyer seems a long-winded doomed plan.

Preston Poulter

I'm on the comic book train. Kickstarter provides a great vehicle to find backers and finance your comics.

Of course, novels represents a lower cost option. However, a novel that no one reads will not do much for developing your IP.

Richard "RB" Botto

The two highest grossing films in the specialty (indie) market the last two weeks were original screenplays. Take a look on the streamers and see how many films lately have been made from original screenplays. The studios are one thing, the indies another.

Andy Byrne

Yeah... similar to other replies, certainly write it if you want to write it but I wouldn't bank on it as a solid strategy. I've done it, but moreso cherished what I got out of it, story-wise/character-wise. But in the interests of efficiency, I dedicated a far smaller percentage of time to it than say the marketing of the screen version or development of other screen projects. Also, from my chats with producers, story quality (original or IP-based) ranked higher (unless based on a best-seller).

Leonardo Ramirez

I've had producers say they want to see book numbers and others who say they don't care - just tell a good story. It matters who you talk to. But both Dan and RB are right - become your own producer - learn the business. Talk to people. What fits one person doesn't necessarily fit another.

Rob Jones

Yeah, that's where I'm at, creating some comics, and building an audience on Instagram. Just started a YouTube channel, eventually a novel.

Getting some physical stuff out there, trying to build an audience, etc.

Richard "RB" Botto

This is one of the many reasons I suggest all screenwriters take producing webinars and classes. Even if you don't want to produce yourself, the ability to think like a producer and understand various processes is invaluable. Combine that with a knowledge of the marketplace by reading the trades every day and you have a competitive advantage over the majority of screenwriters out there.

Nick Phillips

Couldn't agree more with the notion of being your own producer. It helps you protect yourself and navigate this process in an informed and confident manner.

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